The Secret to a Great Marriage: Being Quiet!

Women: Forget sharing your feelings or getting your husband to share his. The secret to a great marriage is ... being quiet and having sex instead! (Okay, the last part is sort of a dodge but keep on reading ...)

Forget everything you've heard about frankness, sharing your feelings, getting him to express his. New research into the male mind makes it clear that discussion may be the fastest way to shut down communication. (Oh, you noticed that, have you?) [...]

"The number one myth about relationships is that talking helps. The truth is, more often than not, it makes things worse," says Love, a tall, lean redhead with a down-home Texas twang and a generous smile. She is co-founder of the Austin Family Institute and leads workshops around the country when she isn't making television appearances or co-writing books, including the best-selling "Hot Monogamy."

"Talking about feelings, which is soothing to women, makes men physically uncomfortable," says Stosny, the Maryland-based author of "You Don't Have to Take It Anymore" and an expert on male aggression. "There's literally more blood flow to their muscles. They get fidgety, and women think they're not listening."

Link - Thanks Tiffany!

i enjoy reading articles like that, where behavioral sciences shed some light on the reasons behind our collective actions, but i also almost always cringe a bit when i read them or engage in conversations about them. i don't think it's ever any author's intent to come across this way, but these types of articles always speak to the opposite side of the my subjective experiences - my personal "man / woman relationship spectrum." i always say to myself, "it's not so black and white." women initiate sex and men turn them down. men cook and clean and do the laundry while women sit around and watch sports, leaving their wet towels on the bed, etcetera etcetera. i'm not sitting here fuming, calling for a more gender-neutral take on this (personality differences — instead of sex differences — are not the point of the article). i just felt like getting my extremely small gripe out there. and now it sounds silly, but ah well.... *submit*
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the women can 'disagree', but that doesn't change anything.

This woman is making her career out of advising woman how to make their marriages more peacful. So they can listen to her advice and trade off talking for peace, or not. It depends on whats more important to her - some of her happiness or (some her husbands happiness + a more peacful marriage).

Isn't love supposed to be selfless? Ah, but I am being nieve, no?
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To be honest when my boyfriend and I fight I am usually the one to shut down and not talk for awhile, so it's like, the exact opposite in our relationship. He gets angry with me if I don't discuss my feelings with him.

It is soothing for women but if you don't do it to make your husband feel better isn't that just kind of a vicious cycle to make you feel worse?
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My husband is the talker. He havers, while I want to chill out, watch some TV or play some video games. He, however, drinks beer, while I don't.

The trouble with these studies and articles is the generalizations that result. The original study probably had those results in a majority of the couples studied, who may have volunteered to participate based on an ad that was pointed toward women whose husbands don't communicate well. And how large was the majority?

While the results of the study may be generally correct, applying them in a strictly female-talk/male-doesn't way undercuts the variety of people and relationships.
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What these people are saying is like, so old that it's even in the bible:
In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.

Also, this article is creepy. It sounds like 50's housewives advice.
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Wait, so compassion and empathy are important, and people don't respond well to pressure and criticism?

I'm going to need some time to digest this breaking news.
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So this is the case throughout human history and every culture that exists now, has existed in the past or may exist in the future? I think not. It's pop psychology and junk science.
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For the record, my marriage failed because we didn't talk.

This is, yes, junk science and pseudopsych blather. Any woman who *wants* a man that won't listen to her will surely be able to find one, but there are many many of us out there who crave communication.
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I see, so women are supposed to suppress our natural instincts because obviously men shouldn't have to do anything that puts them out of their comfort zone. Or, to put it differently, we're supposed to stop behaving like women and start behaving like men. Soo... a man will be happier in a relationship with... another man?
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who the hell am i supposed to talk to now? what i got out of this article is that i'd better be better off being a lesbian if i want to hold a discussion with my partner.
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A big part of the problem is that while men and women have differences women think their way is right and that men are defective.

Why would any man love a woman who thinks he is defective?

Women think they can change men and when a direct means such as nagging doesn't work they try indirect means such as pouting and witholding affection and this just leads to more disharmony. Men consider such indirect means as suspicious and infantile and they lead to lack of trust and respect.

Ultimately the root of the problem is that too many women want a relatinship but just don't like men as they are.
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The article makes a good point, although it may not have been articulated well.

"We need to talk" is such a negative phrase, with subtle criticism. If "talking" is the natural prelude an argument, then a man may interpret that differently than what the woman intended. Women have many so subtle ways of criticizing without actually using the exact words that when they "want to talk", men could take that as a sign of bigger trouble ahead.

If you have good communication, you don't always have to talk. If you do, then maybe you need to examine your own insecurities.
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it's another very superficial approach that doesn't look into "why" men shut down and women are the talkers. of course i know this is not the case in all situations, as some of you have already said your relatinoships are the exact opposite.

the most important thing to realize about stuff like this is that gender is a socialized phenomena. i was actually talking to my sister(not)-in-law about this the other day. from the moment we are born, our parents assign us to colors often associated with whatever sex organ you came out with. it's important to establish roles with your children, but not based on their having a penis or vagina.

i say gender is socialized for a couple reasons, but i will try to make this short as it relates to the article. men shut down and don't talk because that is what they were taught growing up. "sharing your feelings" is very much seen as a "girl" trait, something boys are harshly discouraged to express both by their parents and their peers. guys-- remember when you were little and you heard (probably many times) "big boys don't cry?" and gals-- remember when you were little and your mother told you to "just let it out?" there are many examples of these simple statements that have been pounded into our brains our entire lives, even well into adulthood. regardless of whether we grasp this phenomenon, it is nearly impossible to avoid in almost all situations, especially our day-to-day relationships. adults believe gender exists and they pass it to their children. and so on, and so on.

like i said, i'm not saying men and women don't have particular roles in life, because they do. i'm saying that their roles should not be based on the color blanket they were wrapped in as a newborn. communication is the key to understanding, and you don't even have to talk to communicate. actually, 90% of a message is non-verbal. i would think men "go silent" during confrontation because women were trained to be slightly condascending, and men don't like being talked down to. it's a power thing. but if you know how to properly communicate, men and women can have harmonious relationships without many problems. it's all in the approach. stay nice, highlight the positive, and NEVER use "you" language (YOU did this.. YOU did that). take it from a communications professional-- talking is very hard to do right. it takes a lot to ignore your own pride when talking to someone sometimes, but it is absolutely necessary to understand you are NOT always right.
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and i don't expect to be taken absolutely for granted here, and i don't think i'm any more right than the rest of you. but the issue in this article is much more deep-seeded than a simple "men don't like to talk and women do."
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This article doesn't advocate NOT communicating, it advises changing HOW you communicate. "I love it when you put gas in the car and hang up your wet towel" is a far cry from "Dammit! You didn't put gas in the car again and my side of the bed is wet again from your wet towel! Why can't you be a little more aware? A little more responsible..." I'd shut down, too, if my spouse talked to me like that!

My husband and I have a peaceful marriage. We chat alot but we don't "talk" very often.
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Austin Family Institute. I would bet money that if I went to this Institute, the first thing out the therapist's mouth would be "The Bible says..."
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Please ignore incomplete entry above!! Anywho, my husband died 3 years ago and looking back on our marriage (which I think was great) I did have a tendency to go on and on and on about the same 2 or 3 topics over and over. He was a very tender hearted person and I'm sure there were many time he wanted to tell me to SHUT UP but didn't. If I could change all of this now, I would have put on some big girl pants and tried to solve my own problems. I realize I was probably just going to him for feedback BUT a person can only lend a "listening ear" for so long. Sorry Big Guy!! Hope I didn't send you to an early grave. I think he would have been more proud of me if I had tried a little harder to come to my own resolutions rather than SHARING (God, I hate that term) every DAMN THING. I'm not saying I'm right or wrong. I'm just spreading some food for thought.
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Bottom line is that men and women think differently. The problem comes with these two facts.
A woman wants to change her husband to fit the image of what she wants, and is disappointed when he doesn't.
A man wants his wife to remain the woman he married and is disappointed when she doesn't.
Our society expects men to aquiesce to the demands of women to the point of going against their very nature. Listen but don't try and fix the problem that is being told to you and be sensitive while being manly.
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( from ) :
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Johnny Lynn, you can be a bit more mature, BY NOT TYPING ALL IN CAPS LIKE A 12 YEAR OLD!.
That being said, the non-secret of a very long relationship, married or otherwise, is mutual respect and unconditional love. Emphasis on "unconditional".
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david b-- you're right, and i would attribute that to the feminist movement. a lot of feminists think women deserve better treatment than men because of the damage done in the past, which is an exact contradiction to their cause. then again, you're putting all the blame on women, and relationships take TWO people to make it work. if you allow your spouse to walk all over you, it isn't just their fault for taking you for granted; it is also your fault for letting them. weak men seek women with strong personalities, and vice-versa. if you have a strong personality and are with someone also with a strong personality, there is likely going to be a power struggle and it is 100% up to you whether you want to put up with it. if you feel immasculated, you have every right to get out of the relationship and find a dumb bimbo to walk all over. or you can just suck it up and work on the existing relationship.
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I think it all depends on the relationship and the couple. Yes, men and women communicate differently. All couples are different, too! What will work for one couple will not work for another. I know couples who say they are "best friends." They say they can talk about anything. My husband has two problems. First of all he can't express himself emotionally and second, he can't deal with my emotions either. If something just has to be said, I'll drop the bomb when I feel like the moment is right. I find that he is happier, which leads to us being happier as couple, when I just give it up. I accommodate him whenever he wants sex. He is happy if he is satisfied. If he is happy, we are all happy.
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