It's been a while since we posted about the Wilhelm Scream, a neat bit of stock sound effect popularized by Star Wars series sound designer Ben Burtt, who used it it pretty much all of his films as an in-joke.
Say No to Crack has a YouTube clip of the famous scream in various movies. If you haven't heard of the Wilhelm Scream before, check it out: Link
Makes me giggle every time =)
Oh, beautiful, beautiful Wikipedia, is there ANYTHING you can't tell me about?
And Ben Burtt shouldn't get credit for popularizing it; it was already a popular bit of stock sound. It's just that he took it to all new levels of obsessive stupidity without care whether he was damaging the art he inserted it into.
So far I haven't heard it in the cinema, but it will be quite interesting to see what everyone else's reactions are when I suddenly shout out "WILHELM!" in the middle of the film (you can get away with anything as long as you turn around to see who did it with everyone else...)^_^
We watched Star Wars Episode 3, and the Tarzan yell the Wookies gave as they swing on ropes to attack the robot army is so Tarzany, it actually ruins that particular moment in the movie. Star Wars is not known for its subtlety. Sometimes, effects can be overdone.
Because all cats make that noise. When jumping. even if they are jumping from the table to the floor.
"Tires screech, crash sound with muffled male scream half way through"
I've heard it on quite a few old radio programs, such as Boston Blackie, The Saint and The Shadow. If anyone has a copy of the novelty song by "Nervous Norvus" "Transfusion", it's repeated there at least 4 times.
Gosh it's late.... can you tell :)