Archive for January 21st, 2008

Jackson Pollock canvas (Flash Game)

For any enthusiast of Pollock's particular style of painting there's a neat flash site by London based artist Miltos Manetas (original design by Stamen) which encourages the frustrated artist in us all to vent and cr...

Bird tornado weather warning

The nature of this amazing photo taken by Nuray Gonulalan is up for debate down at ScienceBlogs. Is this some a masterly creation with the aid of photoshop resembling a flock of starlings forming a tornado-like column...

10 Accidental Product Discoveries

Always keep your mind open when you are experimenting. While working toward one goal, one of your mistakes may prove to be very useful for another purpose. Or you may turn a side effect or byproduct into something that w...

Pussy on the Mat

(YouTube link) A music video set to the song Pussy on the Mat by poet and singer Ivor Cutler {wiki}, whom I never heard of before today. -via Arbroath...

And you thought your cats were gross...

That?  Is a 10-pound hairball that was living happily in the stomach of an 18-year-old woman.  The woman apparently had a habit of eating her hair (also known as trichophagia).  She went to the doctor after five m...

5 Strange Stop-Gap “Solutions” to Climate Problems

With so many people brainstorming on the problem of climate change, there’s bound to be some outlandish ideas for helping the Earth. How about an artificial volcano eruption? Or wrapping glaciers to keep them from me...

Hello Kitty Darth Vader Tattoo

Hello Kitty Darth Vader leads the way in strange combined memes. Now Darth Kitty has been enshrined forever in someone’s skin! Link -via Everlasting Blort...


I was hesitant on posting this because I didn't want to offend but my goodness this clip is so hilarious that I just had to share it with you. It sort of looks fake but who cares, I nearly busted a gut watching it (n...

The Air Car

This retro-futuristic "air car" is now up for sale at eBay. Current bid: US $10,000.00. This car was built in 1985. Body is built with fiberglass and urethane composite making it very light. Entire body can...

The 10 Most Difficult to Read Tokyoflash Watches

Quick: what time is it? If you can glance down at your wristwatch and figure it out in, oh say, less than two seconds, it may just be too easy for you. And that's a wasted opportunity to train your mind, my frie...

Trivia: Kirk Never Said "Beam Me Up, Scotty!"

Captain Kirk NEVER said "Beam me up, Scotty!" The exact quotes were: "Scotty, beam me up" and "Beam them out of there, Scotty."The phrase got so popular, however, that James Doohan (1920 - 2...

The Origin of Sherlock Holmes

The following is reprinted from The Best of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader. Sherlock Holmes (R) and Dr. Watson (L), drawn by Sidney Paget Sherlock Holmes is one of the most widely recognized characte...

Quote: Will Rogers on Diplomacy

"Diplomacy is the art of saying, “Nice doggie,” until you can find a rock." - Will Rogers, actor (1879 - 1935)...

A Zen Windows Error Message

This strange Windows koan, er... error message must've been designed by a zen master! Found at project x3150 [Flickr] - via Look at This ...The weirdest computer error I've ever encountered was: "Bad magic number. S...

Interview with Sneaker Artist Sole Junkie

Ahmad Childress of our pal Crave Online website interviewed "sneaker artist" Sole Junkie, who makes custom kicks (that's shoes for hopelessly square people like me). If you know about quality custom kicks t...

Job Wanted: Dude Wants to be Your Cat

What better job is there than being a cat? Here's the resume of a guy looking for a job as ... a pet cat!The PositionI'm hiring myself out as a pet cat to anyone who wants to own me. I truly...

Parasite Makes Ant's Butt Looks Like a Berry

Biology is nothing if not fascinating. Here's a story of one parasite which has to infect both birds and ants in its lifecycle. But how does it get from one host species to another? Here's how:To perpetuate its life cycl...

Star Wars Jedi Lightsaber Laser Pointer

Nothing breaks the ice in a stuffy business meeting than ostentatiously declaring your love for Star Wars with these laser pointers made to look like Jedi lightsabers!And remember, use the Power Point, Luke!Link...

ZOMG! Small Humanoid Found on Mars!

NASA's Spirit rover landed on Mars on January 4, 2004 - and promptly sent this image of its welcoming party: a small humanoid.Oh, and on its way to the Gusev Crater, the rover picked up an image of a Martian skull. NASA,...

Golden Gate Bridge Sculpture from a Single Toothpick

Toothpick artist Steven Beckman managed to create a sculpture of the Golden Gate Bridge from a single toothpick! - via Spluch | Lots more toothpick...

First Human Cloning

Andrew French and colleagues at Stemagen, a tiny San Diego biotech company, became the first to successfully clone a human embryo using DNA from a skin cell of an adult man:Stemagen CEO Samuel Wood said the privately...

Bizarro: Procrastinating Again? Blame The Vortex!

Can't seem to get that chore done? Bizarro has the explanation: blame The Vortex!For more Bizarro, check out Dan Piraro's website and new blog (and don't miss the documentary video below)...

Bizarro Documentary

Rob Garver of 29P Pictures created a neat little documentary of Dan Piraro, one of my most favorite cartoonists of all time. In it, Dan talked about how he got started, his comic Bizarro, and his activism.You can find...

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