Archive for January 6th, 2008

The Machine-Animals of Nantes

Nantes, France is hosting an exhibition of mechanical sculptures by François Delarozière and Pierre Orefice (official site en français). Each sculpture is also a moving vehicle! Besides this 11-meter tall elephant,...

Custom Cookie Cutters

Instructables tells you how to design your own cookie cutters! Great for shapes you’d never find in stores, like Pac Man, the Star Trek Communicator Badge, a One-up Mushroom, and Meeple. Or model some after your own...

Origami Technology

Physicist Dr. Robert Lang took up origami as a hobby (featured previously at Neatorama). Who knew his hobby would lead to breakthroughs in astronomy, heart surgery, and consumer safety? You’ll be surprised at all the...

Olympic Highlights

(YouTube link) A group of 9 university students performed these “Olympic Highlights” on the Kasou Taishou(also known as Kinchan and Katori Shingo’s All Japan Costume Grand Prix) special that aired last nigh...

Edge Foundation: What Have You Changed Your Mind About and Why?

Every year, the Edge Foundation, an organization for science and technology intellectuals, asked a bunch of smart people one question. For 2008, the question is: What have you changed your mind about and why?*/st...

Evolutionary Arms Race: Butterfly vs. Ant

There's an evolutionary arms race going on between a rare species of butterfly and ants: Maculinea alcon butterflies infect the nests of Myrmica ants by hatching caterpillars nearby, hoping that the caterpillars will...

Muni Maps by Helena Keeffe

Last year, San Francisco's public transit sytem (Muni) commissioned artist Helena Keeffe to create artwork for its bus stops. The result is Muni Maps, a series of six posters "[featuring] a route map th...

Fun Flash Game: Cursor*10

Cursor*10 by nekogames is a simple yet maddeningly fun Flash game. I won't give away how it's played - you get to find out for yourself (hint: cooperate .. with yourself!) - but the object is to race up the staircases to...

Trivia: The Real Name of Los Angeles

In 1781, a group of 44 settlers founded a town named "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del Río de Porciúncula," ("The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels...

"Photato Op": Presidential Candidates Posing with Mr. Potato Head

Photo: Andy GreenA lot of people want to get their picture taken with presidential candidates, but not Iowa college student and political junkie Andy Green. He got them to take a photo with his Mr. Potato Head. Yep, you...

White Penguin

Scientists spotted a rare adult, unpigmented Adelie penguin in Antarctica. Penguins lacking pigmentation are referred to as "leucistic" and do not usually survive until adulthood because they attract predat...

Police Ticketed a Woman for Driving Too Slow. How Slow? 10 MPH on a Highway!

Police officers gave Stephanie Cole, 58, a ticket for driving too slow on an English motorway (highway for us Yanks). How slow? Try 10 mph!When police caught her there was a sign on her car which read: "I don't...

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