Archive for May 30th, 2007

Balancing Eleven Nails on One.

Before watching the following video, consider how you'd balance 11 nails on top of a single nail in a board. Think you could do it? Check out this guy's solution: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] to watch. I wo...

Frazzled Mom? Win a T-Shirt!

I just got back from a trip out of town not long ago and (almost) missed this contest from Miss Cellania:“Living the Dream” t-shirts are designed and sold by LTDchix, two moms with seven young kids betwee...

Disco Elevator.

This looks like one fun elevator to ride! Would you get inside the disco elevator? Link [YouTube]...

Singapore Waterspout.

A fantastic photo of the Singapore Waterspout (Image Credit: Spam for Sam [Flickr])A few days ago, this giant waterspout [wiki] (50 m or 164 ft. diameter and average wind speeds of up to 150 km/hr or 93 mph) was spotted...

Then: Automatic Serving Counter. Now: Conveyor Belt Sushi.

1923 Modern Mechanix Article: Automatic Serving Counter for Lunch Rooms"Shijakku" Conveyor belt sushi (Image Credit: MC MasterChef [Flickr])This 1923 article from Modern Mechanix predicted the arrival of the co...

Graffiti Chair for Kids.

Here's another one for "start 'em young" category: Factum Graffiti chair. Link...

Psycho Bunny Tie.

Here's an early suggestion for Father's Day: don't buy him a boring tie, get him this Psycho Bunny tie instead! Link - via

Terrace Field.

This may look like a paint-by-number kit, but it’s a photograph. Jialiang Gao shot this picture of a terraced planting area in Yunnan province, China. Link -via J-Walk Blog...

Earwigs: The Horror!

The following "earwig alert" is purported (via The to have come from the Texas Department of Agriculture, although there is no date attached to the document. It is true, however, that earwigs...

Scrap Metal Sculptures

Aloha based artist Joe Pogan creates birds and other wildlife sculptures using various "found metal" objects like old watches, sprockets, nuts and bolts. Link - via Drawn...

Underground London at Sub Brit: Pipe Subways.

Subterranea Britannica (or Sub Brit) is a fantastic website for explorers of forgotten or obscure underground urban landscapes in the UK - they have a huge collection of photos of abandoned tunnels, mines, military bunke...

The Real Schoolhouse Rock: Fang Island in a Kindergarten Class.

Rock band Fang Island recently did a *real* schoolhouse rock - they played a concert for the kindergarten and first grade classes of CVS Highlander Charter School in Providence, Rhode Island!Hit play or go to Link [YouTu...

Sci-Fi Paper Craft.

SF Movie Paper Craft Gallery has these awesome plans on how to make your very own sci-fi paper models.Unfortunately, the website is in Japanese, but you'll get the idea:

Google Maps Street View.

Armchair travelers rejoice! Here's another toy from Google Maps: Street View where you can explore the roads virtually. Google Maps Street View images are available for Denver, Las Vegas, Miami, New York, and San Francis...

Kermit the Frog Ambigram.

Neatorama loooves ambigrams (what? Look it up [wiki]). Naguib and Fadilah of Nagfa blog just happen to have some of the neatest examples around. I particularly like this creative Kermit The Frog ambigram!Check out the bl...

Helio Ocean Cake.

Here's a fantastic fan-made Helio Ocean cake at geeksugar blog: Link - Thanks Angelica!...

Microsoft Surface Computing.

Popular Mechanics has the inside scoop of a new technology from Microsoft: surface computing, where your coffee table doubles as a super-duper computer! - *...

Bicycle Soccer.

Here's a video clip of Tokyo Tech students playing soccer on bicycles! Yes, bicycles! Hit play or go to [Google Video] - Thanks Freshome!...

Japanese Beer for Kids!

Apparently, they start 'em pretty young in Japan: here're beer, sake, and wine-flavored drinks for children!Link - Thanks mikolka!...

No Exit: Whatchamacallit.

This comic from Andy Singer's No Exit series prompted me to look up placeholder names [wiki], basically words that refer to objects with unknown names.Apparently, there's a difference between thingamajig, wi...

Flags By Colors

A breakdown of all the flag colors in the world. Pie-charts show how much each color is used in each flag. Link - via Coudal...

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