Archive for April 27th, 2007

Sea Organ.

The Sea Organ (morske orgulje) is located on the shores of Zadar, Croatia, and is the world’s first pipe organ that is played by the sea. Simple and elegant steps, carved in white stone, were built on th...

Open and Shut.

Design student Zhu Yunwei made these very unnatural-looking portraits by integrating two photos, one with eyes open, the other with eyes closed. The results looks strange because people can’t hold their eyes in...

How to Increase Blog Traffic?

Bloggers often struggle with ways to expand their readership. Over the life of a blog most bloggers will, at least once, resort to dubious schemes to increase traffic. John Wesley brainstormed a few of his own sche...

The Human Machine.

Freddy Human Machine Man - video powered by Metacafe This is a TV capaign for an Italian sportswear company, but it’s fun to watch. Link -via Ursi’s Blog...

What do 300 calorie meals look like?

These 300-400 calorie meals look pretty good. There’s always room for a salad! For comparison purposes, a Big Mac, small fries, and a small Coke totals 930 calories. Link -via the Presurfer...

Stephen Hawking Airborne

World-famous physicist Stephen Hawking experienced eight rounds of weightlessness on Thursday during a better-than-expected airplane flight that he saw as the first step toward a trip in space. Link (There is also a must...

3 Animals We Ate To Extinction

3 Delicious Animals We Charbroiled Into Extinction - and 1 That Tasted Nasty But We Killed It Anyway"Good to the last drop" proved to be a great slogan for Maxwell House coffee. But the "Good to the last existing...

Another Reason NOT to Drink and Ride.

Imagine walking into your local bank and being greeted by the live horse and a passed-out drunk seen above? That's what happened to one early morning bank customer in Berlin on Tuesday. The German rider, identi...

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