Archive for November 2nd, 2006

Movin' on Up?

According to a study reported in Scientific American, that "de-luxe apartment in the sky" could be hazardous to your health: Poor people die sooner when living in higher-income neighborhoods than in poorer ones, a new...

Five-Year-Old Boy Took Photo of Elusive California Condor.

Gabriel Gottfried's picture of the elusive California condor flying the skies over Topanga Canyon, California, is remarkable ... but what is more remarkable is that he's only five years old!

Gauss Pistol.

This badass looking DIY Gauss Pistol by William Harriss is a coil gun, which uses electromagnetism (instead of gunpowder) to fire a special bullet. - via World's Coilgun Arsenal and U...

Man Stole 5,000 Shoes for Their Smell.

From the website:A man suspected of stealing about 5,000 pairs of shoes in order to enjoy their odor has been arrested, police said Wednesday."I was enjoying their smell," Masashi Kamata, 28, a res...

Turning Bomb into Coffee Maker.

A fine example of turning swords into coffee machine, er ... plowshare. You know what I mean:In his workshop in Mekele, just 120 km from Ethiopia's border with Eritrea, Azmeraw Zeleke is turning burnt-out shells into...

Bangalore, Bengalooru

Either way, it still means "boiled beans." And you thought that was Boston....

Early Cataract Surgery

This procedure is also known as "couching": Couching was perfected by Sustruta (the Hippocrates of India) in the 6th century BC. The procedure involved pressing down the afflicted lens (couch the cataract) with sharp...

Pimp My Sneaker.

Yes, that's a sneaker, all pimped out by a guy named Zoltron: Link - via Fazed....

Funny Cat Pics.

See a large collection of funny cat pictures: - via Miss Cellania....

Rubik's Cube Skateboards.

These decks are made with tiles from Rubik's cube! Link...

Men of Mortuaries Calendar.

We saw Beefcake Marine Recon calendar before, so why not Men of Mortuaries calendar? Link - via mentalfloss...

Why Tuesday?

Do you know why US elections are always on Tuesday? Turns out that voting on Tuesdays is not required for the US Constitution, but instead was done to make it convenient for voters in 1845: This Election Day, “...

Elephant Recognizes Self in Mirror.

Scientists proved that elephants can recognize themselves in a mirror:... Reiss presented three elephants at the Bronx Zoo in New York City with a mirror. They began inspecting themselves with their trunks while star...

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