Steve Jobs: an Icon in Icons!
A pretty cool example of photomosaics: Steve Jobs made from computer icons.Link (via Digg)... pretty cool example of photomosaics: Steve Jobs made from computer icons.Link (via Digg)... Air Rings. Dolphins actually can make toys for themselves. They would blow a round ring of air through their blowholes and then play with it by pushing it around and swimm... for the best gas price in town? Just enter your zip in MSN Auto's Local Gas Prices and it will display the prices at various pumps in town.Link (via Miss Cellania)... of Marine Zooplankton captured thousands of microscopic animal specimens from the ocean bottom in an effort to map their DNA: The latest research cruise in the ongoing... YorkLondon Berlin Berlin-based art group EboY just released this amazingly complex, detailed pixel artwork of New York City. EboY has also previously... Singh, a 4-year-old "India's Forrest Gump", ran 65 km (40.4 miles):"Budhia Singh completed the distance in seven hours and two minutes, which is an Indian record," sa... oldie but goodie: watch this animated gif and count the men before and after the switch - where did that extra man come from? This website will explain it all: Link (via connecto2)... the website: The Buddha comes in many manifestations. This Chocolate Buddha is a Hotei Buddha, or Laughing Buddha of Good Luck, is a Confucian symbol and Buddhist symbol and our origi... Hector Escobedo outsmarted tomb raiders to find the treasures of the tomb of a Mayan king in Peru Guatemala. The excavation team were working against the clock, aware that wou... "painted" this entirely with seeds glued to a board. Seeds used: alfalfa, amaranth, amaranth (love lies bleeding), birdsfoot trefoil, brown mustard, celosia, clover (alsike... concept toaster, developed by the Inventables Concept Studio, uses special heating glass to warm a single slice of bread. At this time, the glass does not reach a high enough temperature... one is titled A Second Chance. Check out more of Dan's fantastic artworks: Link (via Kingboy)..., oldie but goodie: the Mousepad Couch. Someone has a lot of time (and mousepads) on their hands. (via Unique Daily, Thanks Yayo!)... second female android was built by Korean scientists at the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (the first was made in Japan). From the website: EveR-1, a combination of Eve and r... a look at Howard's other amazing photos: Link (Body Knot is work safe, but his other works maybe NSFW)...