Archive for April 19th, 2006

CK Wilde's Money Art.

Artist Christopher "CK" Wilde chose an expensive medium for his art: money.From the website:Wilde painstakingly cuts various shapes out of paper money from around the world to f...

How to Instantly Stop a Baby from Crying.

I wonder if this loses its effectiveness if overused. If you can't see the video above, click on to You Tube: Link (via Metafilter)...

Terra Wind: World's First Amphibious RV.

This amazing amphibious RV is manufactured by a company aptly named Cool Amphibious Manufacturers International LLC. They also make amphibious Hydra Spyder sports sedan, the unsinkable Hydra T...

Mother Worm Lets Baby Worms Eat Her Flesh!

How far would you go to feed your children? For the mother worm Boulengerula taitanus, the answer is: pretty darn far - they would let the baby worm eat their flesh! ...

Tales from the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake.

Weird and wacky tales from the April 18, 1906 San Francisco earthquake: One man, long paralyzed from the neck down before the earthquake, regained the ability to move when a looter tried st...

Mini Adventure.

Art Not Oil: A True Portrait of an Oil Company has some thought-provoking artworks on -what else - oil and car companies, and war.Don't miss the works of an anonymous "sub...

Marshmallow Peeps Diorama.

Would you believe that there were over 400 submissions to this year's Pioneer Press Marshmallow Peeps Diorama contest? Contestants expressed pathetic thanks to the Pioneer Pre...

Inside of Good is ...

What do you see living inside of Good? Found at Optical Illusions Etc. (Thanks Walt!) Update 8/13/08 - The original creator is Punya Mishra: L...

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