Michael Dashow's Wage Slave.
Yep - that's what working for the man feels like! See more of Michael's cool illustrations at his website: Link (via Cthulhu ITP)...
https://www.neatorama.com/2006/04/04/michael-dashows-wage-slave/Yep - that's what working for the man feels like! See more of Michael's cool illustrations at his website: Link (via Cthulhu ITP)...
https://www.neatorama.com/2006/04/04/michael-dashows-wage-slave/I can't say it any better:A textbook used at schools in the Indian state of Rajasthan compares housewives to donkeys, and suggests the animals make better companions as they c...
https://www.neatorama.com/2006/04/04/indian-textbook-donkey-is-better-than-housewife/Mark Jenkins creates sculptures out of ... packing tape! Check out his artwork here: Link (via Belhoste)...
https://www.neatorama.com/2006/04/04/mark-jenkinss-tape-sculptures/Ryan Brooks made this fantastic clock with large Nixie tubes.What's a nixie tube? Wikipedia explains: "A nixie tube is an electronic device for displaying numerals or...
https://www.neatorama.com/2006/04/04/ryan-brooks-6502-nixie-clock/Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) was a German biologist who drew beautiful illustrations of weird animals, plants, and micro-organisms in his work Kunstformen der Natur (Art Forms of Natu...
https://www.neatorama.com/2006/04/04/ernst-haeckels-discomedusae/David Maisel took these haunting photos of copper canisters containing the forgotten cremated remains of mental patients at the Oregon State Insany Asylum who died at the hospital from 1883 to...
https://www.neatorama.com/2006/04/04/david-maisels-library-of-dust/Wolf has a unique idea: he has the world's first paper flower shop! http://www.karnation.de/html/1.html (via Paper Forest)...
https://www.neatorama.com/2006/04/04/wolf-kleins-der-blumladen-the-flower-shop/A couple highlights from Science-A-Go-Go's List: 1. He Liked His Feet Naked"When I was young, I found out that the big toe always ends up making a hole in th...
https://www.neatorama.com/2006/04/04/albert-einstein-ten-obscure-factoids/Ann makes awesome animal robot sculptures from broken electronics. See more of her work here: Link (via Cthulhu ITP)...