Archive for February 12th, 2006

Tony Howell's Sheep Eyes.

Tony takes awesome landscape and flower photos, but I like this one of sheeps! Link...

Anton Peterka's Wood-Fueled Yugo.

From the website:Mr. Anton Peterka along with his team, made his '85 Yugo 45, using wood and coal for fuel. It's not a new technology, 125 years old. The process is based on incomplete combust...

Whale Meat = Dog Food in Japan.

From the news article: Meat from whales caught under Japan's "research" programme is so abundant that it is being sold as pet food, according to a UK conservation gr...

Jerry Zucker's It's JerryTime!

Jerry Zucker wrote to me about his website: A one-of-a-kind oddity, an animated blog that's actually a micro-series. Described as a "saga of despair", It's JerryTime has gotten w...

Japanese Giant Snow Robot.

Japanese company Tmsuk Co. developed a 5-ton, 11.5-foot mecha called Enryu. The robot can lift a car from deep snow and will be used to assist in earthquake and snow-disaster resc...

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