Archive for December 14th, 2005

Doctors Remove a 16-Pound Tumor From Marlie's Face.

Marlie Casseus, a 14-year old Haitian girl, suffers from a rare form of Polyostotic Fibrous Displasia. This condition is a genetic disease that causes bone to become "like a...

Lego Roller Coaster.

Matt Chiles used about 8,000 pieces of Lego bricks to make this awesome Lego roller coaster. (via Look at This ...)...

Ferenc Cako's Drawing with Sand.

        The Old Castle             Performance in Seoul      &...

Powell and Lealand's 1875 Microscope.

Built in 1875 by Hugh Powell and his brother-in-law Peter Lealand, this object is not just a microscope, it's an art masterpiece. Link...

Catapult Watch.

Backyard Artillery, the maker of Catapult Watch, declares: "It's time to get medieval on your friends."From the website: "The only watch that's also a weapon- i...

Freeline Skates.

It takes some skills (which I obviously don't have) to skate using these freeline skates. Link...

Marc Quinn's Preserved Garden.

Marc Quinn's Garden is a real botanical garden full of flowers in full bloom from around the world. About 1,000 species of flowers are immersed in 25 tons of liquid silicone an...

Playboy in Braille.

New Yorker Brian Sack, author of the blog Banterist, found a copy of playboy in a box in an abandoned building. What's unusual about that? The copy of the magazine is in braille!...

Precision Lawn Chair Marching Dads.

Drill sargeant Duff Stewart started the Precision Lawn Chair Marching Dads, described as: "a group of Illinois businessmen that gather on a normal basis to entertain para...

Cthulhu Plush Slippers.

HP Lovecraft's Cthulhu slippers, now available for only $29.99.From the website: "The Cthulhu Plush Slippers are made of quality fabric and your feet will never be warme...

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