Archive for November 23rd, 2005

RIP Sam, the World's Ugliest Dog.

I've blogged about Sam, the world's ugliest dog, before.Sadly, Sam passed passed away at nearly 15 years old. | Link to Susie's (the owner's) blog...

Nina Gordon's "Straight out of Compton".

Nina Gordon recently released a very pretty, acoustic cover song called "Straight out of Compton", a rap originally recorded by NWA (N*ggers with Attitude, yes that's th...

A Pixel Kind of Town.

From the website: " Isocity is meant as a place for pixelartsists around the world to showcase their talents."

Now That's a Paper Airplane!

From the website: "This is a collection of a few of my favorite paper airplanes. Much of this was developed during 5 years of sitting through French classes."Link...

Don't Pee Here.

For more things badly designed, see: Link...

Korea's Bartending Robot.

Korean Ministry of Science and Technology’s Intelligent Robot taskforce has created the "T-Rot" (or Thinking Robot) with a cool new synthetic skin that allows i...

Topsy Turvy House.

For more funny-lookin' houses from around the world, see: Link...

Volfson's Electric Stained Glass.

Boris Volfson's patented electric stained glass is "visually indistinguishable from stained glass. However, unlike conventional stained glass, Electric Stained Glass emits li...

Charlie Brown's Pathetic Christmas Tree.

For just 24 bucks, you can now buy Charlie Brown's pathetic christmas tree. Link...

Designer Coffins: Go Out in Style!

Life Art is an Australian company with a very, very special niche: it designs and makes custom, designer coffins! Link (via Acland Brierty)...

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