Solve This Pzzlr: Brother and Sister

Neatorama presents our collaboration with Pzzlr, a site where you can always find a riddle to exercise your brain. Can you solve this one?

Barry took his sister, Maureen, to his end-of-year work picnic. While there they had an animated discussion about what to buy their mother for her forthcoming birthday. The discussion ended when they were joined by Barry’s work colleague, Brian. Barry introduced his sister to Brian who commented politely, “How lovely to meet you. And you must be younger than Barry by several years, surely?”

“Oh, no”, replied Maureen. “Barry and I were born on the same day, of the same month of the same year”.

“Twins then.” stated Brian.

Brian looked most perplexed when Maureen told him they were not twins.

Can you help him out?

Think you know the answer? Find out at Pzzlr!

Look for a new puzzle here at Neatorama every Wednesday, and check out Pzzlr for a puzzle anytime!

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Except the puzzle states the two were having an animated discussion over what to buy their mother for her forthcoming birthday...and it's a brother and sister.
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