Cat in Labor Goes to Clinic for Help

In Turkey, a lot of cats are strays that are taken care of communally, as residents and shopkeepers feed them without trying to own them. In this system, it's no wonder a cat would ask humans for help, but one cat picked the right place -almost- when she went into labor. The pregnant cat in the in Tatvan district of Bitlis province went to the door of a health clinic Wednesday and started meowing at the door.

The nurses let her in but they could not tell what exactly was wrong with the pregnant kitty.

They soon realized that despite minutes of intense labour the cat could not produce a kitten so, they called the municipality vet.

Yeah, the cat should've gone to the veterinary clinic, but she can't read the signs. The cat was taken to the Tatvan Municipality Stray Animal Neutering and Rehabilitation Center, where Dr. Sefer Durmuş performed a C-section. The cat and her four kittens are doing fine, as you can see in a picture at Daily Sabah.

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