Photographer Captures Unconventional Friendship Between Shar Pei And Cat

Shar Peis are known for being a fairly temperamental breed, one that distrusts strangers and doesn't easily make friends with humans or their fellow dogs.

They were bred to guard palaces not make friends, so they often have a hard time adjusting to the world of domesticated pet life where they're expected to be more snuggly than scary.

But it appears Paddington the Shar-Pei missed that memo, and his friendship with feline housemate Butler the cat proves that not all Shar-Peis are ornery towards other animals.

Paddington and Butler's adorable relationship is brilliantly documented by their pack leader, photographer Annie Jacob, and she shares the sweetest shots on her Instagram account @anniepaddington.

-Via DesignTAXI

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