Top Ten Odd Animal Couples

Image Via PBS

We have all seen how cute it can be when a cat cuddles with another cat, or when two bunnies snuggle up together. But how cool is it to hear those stories about animal odd couples. Two animals from different species who just seemed to find each other and find some kind of strange and intense connection in the process. It shows us the nonjudgmental purity of animals, and it shows us that we could all learn a thing or two about how we should all treat one another.

Animal Planet put together a really adorable list of ten animal odd couples, and if it doesn't make your heart feel a couple sizes bigger after watching, I suggest two viewings, back-to-back. I will admit, the tarantula and the frog are definitely an odd couple, but it will make you look at both species differently.

They don't judge each other, so why do we?

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