Cats and Washing Machines

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Front-loading washing machines are a gift to a cat. It’s almost like a television, and just dares them to catch the spinning socks and shirts as they go 'round and 'round. Some cats consider the machine an enemy, while others can’t wait for it to start its magic. Just don't ever try to take a ride inside one, kitty!  -via Tastefully Offensive

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My family once had a cat who learned the hard way that a nice warm dryer isn't the greatest place for a nap either. Let's just say it took a few muffled "thumps" and faint meows before my horrified mother figured out what was going on!
This was the same cat that survived a run-in with a lawnmower and numerous close shaves with cars. She definitely used up every one of her nine lives before she went to that great catnip patch in the sky.
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