35-Year-Old Can Of Corn Donated To Food Bank, Who Naturally Decides To Open It

Foodbanks are used to receiving really old canned food donations from the back of people's cabinets, and they often receive sealed cans well past the "eat by" date that they end up throwing away.

But when the Cardiff Foodbank received can of Green Giant Corn Niblets from 1982 they used it as a teachable moment instead of tossing it out, reminding the public that it's important to check those expiry dates before donating.

Then they decided to crack the can open to see what 35-year-old Niblets look like.

Cardiff Foodbank was also given a can of Heinz Kidney Soup from 1971, to which Heinz responded by saying: "Wow! That soup was discontinued over 35 years ago. Should be in a museum rather than a food bank! :)"

-Via The Sun

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My guess is that someone was cleaning out Grandma's cupboard after she died. I would not eat the corn, even though the seal seemed to be okay. Well, maybe if I was living in a zombie apocalypse. But the carrots do look like the can is bulging. And the kidney soup does belong in a museum.
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Indeed, the article said the corn hissed like a can of soda when they pierced it which is a horrible sign of canned food gone bad. Then they proceed to say you should taste the canned food to see if it's OK. Of course, that's bad advice as not everything that causes food poisoning is something you can taste. Interesting article for the items, but awful advice on food safety.
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