Chocolate and Cinnamon Conchiglioni

Have you ever had pasta for breakfast? Well, if you're as lazy in the kitchen as I am, then of course you have. But leftover macaroni and cheese doesn't really count.

This is more of a sophisticated pasta breakfast. Claudia of the food blog Breakfast Drama Queen specializes in scrumptious breakfasts. She calls this dish chocolate and cinnamon conchiglioni. These large pasta shells (conchiglioni) may be most often cooked with meat and cheese. But Claudia filled hers with a mixture of Nutella, cinnamon, yoghurt, ricotta cheese and a few other incredients. She then sprinkled jimmies, nuts and chocolate chips on the top.

-via Tasteologie

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No, actually I'm a native born Texan. I usually use the term sprinkles, but I used jimmies because I had already used the verb "sprinkled" in the sentence.

I think that I heard of the word jimmies only a few years ago.
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John, you must originally be from New England! I was born and raised in Boston, Mass and we always called sprinkles 'jimmies'. When I moved to Michigan no one knew what jimmies were. Am I right or is there another part of the country that calls sprinkles 'jimmies', too?
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