What Matters Most

Oh, you'd be surprised what kids remember. They may not recall those times together the same way you do, or the same details you recall, but they remember in their own way. My now-adult children talk about the adventures of their childhoods and the things we did together, but the details that stuck out in their minds were surprises to me. We all organize our memories in our own way, and adults tend to prioritize things that are novel. To kids, everything is novel, so what stays with them may seem random to us. But his main theme is correct -being there for each other is what matters most. This is the latest comic from Lunarbaboon.

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I'm amazed when my kids mention some casual event that happened when they were 4 or 5 years old.

I read some good advice once: you can't make quality time. You can only make quantity time and wait for the special moments to just happen.

And now I'm going to go take my own advice.
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