40 Year Old's Temper Tantrum

No, that's not the Tea Partiers throwing a temper tantrum.

Kathy Sterner was getting fed up that her 6-year-old daughter was throwing a tantrum in her room. Thankfully, dad was there to provide a bit of comic relief: he lip-synched the kid's tantrum and mom captured the whole thing on video.

Oh, and for the record, Sterner said that her daughter is "not typically a beast child - she's actually a pretty awesome little kid who was having a rough day." Make that an Internet-famous little kid who just had her tantrum broadcast for the entire world to see.

View the video clip over at YouTube - via Tastefully Offensive and Laughing Squid.

I'm sure that humiliation and embarrassment work for entertainment and demonstrating that you don't care, but I'm not sure it's training your child to be a very nice, sympathetic person.
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What is mom doing to that child? She is in her room. Shut the door any leave her alone till she calms down. Tormenting her is just making it worse.
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