Archive for 2011

The Strutting Leo Baby

Sure most babies make this pose and facial expression at some point, but how many parents actually capture it on camera and immediately recognize that their baby is obviously imitating the classic strutting Leo meme?...

The Financial Advisor Kid Meme

This little guy is all business and while not all of the captioned images are directly related to financial advisory (some are lawyer jokes), they are all adorable and funny. Linkfunny, kids, pictures, memes, capt...

Sadly, Photoshop Was Involved in the Creation of this Image

The daughter of redditor papachon sometimes wears his Oakley-brand sunglasses. She looks just like an action star with them. So, of course, she just walks away from explosions. Link -via Geekosystemphotoshop...

Time Out Timer Stool

We do time outs at my home. But only for the kids, although every now and then I'd like to have one, too! Wisteria offers this clever stool design with a five-minute hourglass. Use it to keep track of your little gre...

How Much Time Off After Childbirth is Best?

Every year in the U.S., more than half a million women go back to their jobs within a month of giving birth. The reason is usually economic, as paid maternity leave is not required by law. Short leaves may have harmful e...

Yanking a Tooth out with a Nerf Gun

(Video Link) "Is this going to hurt?" "I don't know. You're going to have to tell me after." The dad, rather than the mom, is participating in this stunt. This is as it should be, for this is the Way of the Da...

The Modern Woman

(YouTube link) Lua, who appears to be about three years old, takes us through a typical workday of the modern independent woman. -via Stuff I Stole from the Internetpretend, play, video, cute, grownup...

Cat Calms Baby

(YouTube link) Stewie the cat helps put baby Connar to sleep. Isn't that sweet? It reminds me of one night my one-year-old would not go to sleep, until, in desperation, I put the cat in the crib with her. S...

Baby Jack Skellington

It's not much of a "Nightmare" Before Christmas when Mr. Claws looks so darned adorable. Link Via The Mary SueMovies, costumes, babies, cute...

Kermit the Frog Dress

Anna Chambers nailed this baby dress. What's especially neat is that it conveys, through just a few shapes and colors, the image of Kermit the Frog so well. It's her contribution to a Jim Henson tribute gallery. C...

Charlie Brown As A Baby

It's funny how a baby is really the only actual human who could look so much like charlie brown with his bald head and chubby belly. I don't know about you guys, but I'd love to watch this Christmas special. Link...

Babies Are No Good At Playing Fetch

(YouTube link) This poor corgi wants to play fetch, but for some reason the weird bald human just will not throw his toy for him. Nevertheless, he just keeps trying. Via BuzzFeedpets, babies, cute, animals, dogs...

The Five Best Toys of All Time

Have you decided what to buy for the kids in your life this Christmas? GeekDad reviews a lot of toys and other products for children. So when you want to know what's fun, it's a great resource. Now they've distilled the...

Teenager Invents Nanoparticle to Fight Cancer

Angela Zhang is only seventeen, but she's already engaged in groundbreaking nanotech research. Specifically, she's developed a thingamabobber* that fights cancer: Zhang's work reflects the growing use of nanotechnolog...

Wooden iPhone

No, your signal strength isn't low. It's just that your fancy new smartphone is made out of wood. Kyle Bean -- an artist whose work we've featured extensively at Neatorama -- made this toy with blocks representing ap...

Kids React to Le Internet Medley

(YouTube link) The Fine Brothers have a webseries called Kids React in which they show viral videos to children and usually get told how stupid they are. In this one, they watch Le Internet Medley by the GAG Quartet...

Counting Down the Days

This beautiful photo by Rudolf Brosztl shows a loving couple counting the days until their daughter will be born. There are three more images in the set at the link. Link | Photographer's Websitephotography...

First Grade Problems

It's an image meme, but don't be put off, this one is just plain adorable. Because first graders have lots of problems, and they loom very large when you're little. See more first grade problems at Buzzfeed....

Earliest Known Math Test Dates Back to 2300 B.C.

When your kids complain about doing their math homework, let them know that it was always thus, and always shall be. Why, even ancient Sumerian kids had to do math! Here's one math problem that was found inscribed on a c...

How Child Psychologists Shaped the Development of Sesame Street

My earliest memories of television are scenes from Sesame Street. This nurturing show has engaged children who have grown up, brought more children into the world, and introduced them to the show. There are many...

Footprint Christmas Tree

This is a great idea for a child's Christmas card! LIFamilies forum user Denise also suggests that parents make these every year and keep them in a scrapbook. This craft has a key feature that I like: easy. Thos...

AT-ST Tree House

Eventually, your children will outgrow their perfect Star Wars nursery. It'll be time to step up your parenting game. This AT-ST tree house is impressive, but remember: if some other dad in your neighborhood...

Looks Legit to Me

Ainsley, who do you think that you're trying to fool? This note has too few misspellings to be from your dad. -via The Hairpin | Photo credit: unknown...

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Cupcakes

Lyndsay at Coco Cake Cupcakes made this marvelous cupcake tableau for a 1-year old's birthday party. The head is covered with fondant and the cupcakes are iced with two different colors swirled together in imitation...

Kids Get to Pose with Santa and Guns

The Scottsdale Gun Club in Scottsdale, Arizona offered kids the opportunity to pose for a photo with Santa, tell him what they wanted for Christmas, and examine his arsenal. Families could also test fire some guns at...

Baby Has Intense Cell Phone Conversation

(Video Link) The blogger behind Dad and Buried thinks that his son Lucian is engaging in stock trades. But whenever I encounter a baby talking, I now think of the godfather baby meme. Link -via Urlesque...

Gigantic Baby Born in Berlin

A 13-pound (6 kg) baby boy set a new record for the largest baby born by natural delivery in Germany. The unidentified 528-pound mother had gestational diabetes, but opted for a vaginal delivery at Berlin’s Charité ho...

A Portal-Themed Kid's Room

If your youngster loves Portal, you might want to take some design tips from James Farr, who made his son this amazing Portal bedroom. Aside from the obvious touches seen in this picture, he also has a bunch of cool...

The Storybook Fantasies of Dara Scully

Madonna's enchanting but largely unknown song "Dear Jessie" speaks of the magical, imaginative world of young children. A set of images by photographer Dara Scully stuck me as quite similar in how they bring that wo...

Baby Asleep Giant Plush Totoro

redditor Honestly_ snapped this perfect shot of his son blissfully asleep on top of a huge Totoro doll from the anime classic My Neighbor Totoro. When he gets older, Honestly_ should make sure that he has an...

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