What Happens When You're Caught Counting Cards At A Casino?

Casinos really don’t like it when players start to win big, and they get really upset when they think you’ve been counting cards, but what actually happens when you’re caught red handed at the table?

This hidden camera video by Blackjack Apprenticeship shows sometimes you just get pulled aside by a gruff pit boss and put on a “flat bet” system, meaning you can’t raise or lower your bet like everyone else.

(YouTube Link)

It’s interesting to see the pit boss dealing with Colin the card counter in a very civil manner, which is the opposite of how it’s portrayed in many movies and TV shows.

But his calm demeanor and professional attitude throughout the whole encounter doesn’t change how shady it all feels.

-Via Boing Boing

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The casinos don't want to scare away people who think they can count cards but are actually bad at it. Low number of decks is a selling point, making people think they have better chances of winning. Some people might even be able to sway the odds a little bit, but fall short of making them in their favor.
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