The Immigrant Paradox

NY Times columnist David Brooks asks: Are new immigrants wrecking the social fabric of the United States? Or is it the other way around? Is America corrupting them instead?

Back in 2010, researchers from Brown University have noticed that first generation immigrant children generally outperform second and third generation immigrant children, despite having the largest linguistic and cultural barriers. They call this "Immigrant Paradox":

“These are very unusual findings,” said Garcia Coll, the Robinson and Barstow Professor of Education, Psychology and Pediatrics at Brown. “In a time where immigrants are seen as detriments to our society and not making contributions, what this research is telling us is that the first generations come in with amazing energy and amazing capabilities of surmounting lack of education in parents, poverty, and language differences. The tragedy is that as some kids acculturate and become American, they start doing worse.”

Now, a new research from the University of Florida found further support for the Immigrant Paradox: the second and third generations also tend to get into more trouble. Mildred Maldonado-Molina, et al. looked at the pattern of DUI arrests and found that first-generation immigrants have the lowest rate of DUI arrests, as well as marijuana and alcohol use. Second generation US-born Hispanic youth has higher rates of those three things, and third generation even worse.

Interesting, huh? What do you think the reason for immigrants' children and grandchildren doing progressively "worse" in those metrics?

Honestly? It's the same reason that the grandchildren of self made millionaires tend to be spoiled brats.

The first generation is very aware of where they came from, and what they must do to succeed.

The second generation still hears the daily stories from their parents, but are now living in relative luxury and can relax a bit.

The third generation knows no other life, and have no idea of the suffering their ancestors went through to give them what they now take for granted. They hear the stories from their grandparents with skepticism.

TLDR: "Kids these days, they just don't know what they got. Now get off my lawn."
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I think, that the first generation immigrants tend to believe in the idea that you just have to give your best, and you can socially and economically make it to wherever you want (to become "rich"). The second generation notices, that dad an mom work their a***s off to get somewhere, but fail (due to racism or other inequality that occurs). The second generation therefore is less motivated in working hard (it's not leading to the goal imagined) AND tell their kids that working doesn't pay off (or/and get into drugs etc. thus being a negative role-model for their kids - the third generation). The boredom (and sense of inequality/latent racism) resulting from a life of less motivation leads to drug abuse and delinquency (and less empathy to the natives).
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I would have liked to have seen comparable research done in other countries with substantial immigrant populations, and the results compared with these studies. Only then can you start legitimately raising the possibility of the "corrupting" influence of America, as opposed to the "corrupting" influence of being damn human a la Laston's trenchant analysis. (And I speak as not only first-generation, but the only one in my entire family tree to be born in the USA.)
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I find I am uncomfortable with the idea that either immigrants disrupt the US or the US 'corrupts' immigrants. The moving of people across government(s)-defined boarders has been a natural practice of the human condition since borders were created.

In saying that, the article doesn't seem to talk much about acculturative stress. These children are not simply 'becoming American'. They are dealing with the psychological stress of incorporating two identities into one child, the identity expected at home, and the identity expected at school (or the more "Americanized" identity).

For 2nd and 3rd generation children, they are now legally Americans (as they were born in the States) but are still struggling with being bi-cultural. Quite literally, bi-cultural children must learn twice as much as their established counter parts. Often that includes two languages and two sets of expected social time tables (education, marriage, children, ect). Of course, two sets is the simplest scenario. Then, these children must learn (all on their own) how to balance the two.

While building awareness about these children's struggles is important (as many were either transported as infants/toddlers or born here) we must be sensitive to their experiences as uniquely defined by their bi-cultural status.
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@Laston: The 3 Generation Rule is quite real, especially in Corporations, Founders, Sons of Founders, etc.

-Usually by/after 3g, they've pissed it away because they're not visionaries anymore, they're Useless Aristocrats who know how to do Nothing but spend money.
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Another article trying to make America seem like a horrible place.

Most immigrants who come here legally enjoy life here and make a go of it. Their children end up spoiled, period. Their grandchildren, even more so. What is so surprising about that?

As to WHY they are spoiled, well, put it down to how upwardly mobile immigrants can be here and stop bashing America.

You won't find many countries in the world where people can come, work hard and so quikly carve out a decent life for their family.

Jealous? Get over it. That's life.

But don't try to make us feel ashamed of the freedom we have to move up.
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Sounds to me like a case of regression to the mean. First-generation immigrants are those with enough "get up and go" to make dramatic changes in their life in the hope of improving their lot. But, as in any situation where you have a mix of heredity and randomness, the children will tend to be more average than their parents were. A simple example of this is rolling a bunch of dice (which have no 'heredity' from roll to roll), selecting all those "exceptional" ones that rolled sixes, and seeing how they do on a re-roll.
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Hard work is an archaic American virtue. But not so for other nations. The immigrants I have known tend to begin a bit more "miserly". They will have 3 families living under a single roof, and all working at the same business.

Habituation. We habituate and slacken on our morals and habits when the environment is so.
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I don't have the time to read another study. Do both of these studies focus on Latino immigrants, or just the second one? Cultural differences could affect the results.
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