Pearl Removed from Ear -41 Years Later

Calvin Wright of Athens, Georgia went to a hospital for bronchitis and received a thorough examination. A nurse found something stuck in his ear. It was removed and found to be a pearl that Wright didn't know was there!
The pearl got stuck in his right ear when Wright was 5 and roughhousing with his sister, Regina. The family lived in Chicago at the time.

"She had broken my mother's pearl necklace," Wright said. "I can remember (our baby sitter) picking them up off the floor - except for two, of course."

Regina stuck those two missing pearls - either by accident or because kids do weird things - into her older brother's ear.

A doctor retrieved one of the pearls from the child's ear, but missed the other. Wright has undergone ear exams in the years since, but the pearl was never discovered until the nurse at St. Mary's Hospital found it. -via Arbroath

(Image credit: Merritt Melancon)

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I had an eraser from a mechanical pencil stuck in my ear for 9 years. I stuck it in there when I was 10, but was too embarrassed to tell anyone about it until I was 16. At that point, it became a weird sort of ice breaker. Unfortunately, when I was 19 it moved down my ear canal more and every tie that I bit down I could feel it pushing on my ear drum. The doctor didn't believe that it could possibly still be in there after 9 years, but the nurse flushed it out. Everyone was hilarious (handing pens and things to my then-boyfriend rather than me so that I didn't stick them in my ear) and it was an overall lovely experience.
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Imagine the perceived level of super-power hearing this guy must have felt he had on the drive home. It must have felt like a pretty good day. Minus the bronchitis, of course.
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