Money Can't Buy Happiness, So Man Gives Away Every Penny of His £3 Million Fortune

Karl Rabeder grew up poor and thought that life would be wonderful if he had money. But when he got rich, Karl discovered that he was unhappy ... so he decided to give away every penny of his £3 million fortune:

"My idea is to have nothing left. Absolutely nothing," he told The Daily Telegraph. "Money is counterproductive – it prevents happiness to come."

Instead, he will move out of his luxury Alpine retreat into a small wooden hut in the mountains or a simple bedsit in Innsbruck.

His entire proceeds are going to charities he set up in Central and Latin America, but he will not even take a salary from these.

"For a long time I believed that more wealth and luxury automatically meant more happiness," he said. "I come from a very poor family where the rules were to work more to achieve more material things, and I applied this for many years," said Mr Rabeder.

But over time, he had another, conflicting feeling.

"More and more I heard the words: 'Stop what you are doing now – all this luxury and consumerism – and start your real life'," he said. "I had the feeling I was working as a slave for things that I did not wish for or need. I have the feeling that there are lot of people doing the same thing."


Awh... giving it away to charities? If I had money to give away... I'd give it to an individual (with some research) not charities that already mis-use a good portion of their donations paying their top execs.
Man... :/
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Nice guy, from the sound of it, with the right idea. Simplicity. It's sad to hear the moans across the internet from selfish individuals crying out, "GIVE IT TO ME OMG YOUR STUUUPID". It's no wonder Rome is burning.
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Money can buy happiness, though the poor, too, can be happy of course. Kind of.

This guy has a great safety net- socialized medicine, a complete social welfare network, the fame coming to him for doing this, an appearance on Oprah...
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Bravo! to that man!! And an example indeed for the rest of us.

Why do people have to be such cynics...Are sooo distrustful about a man's journey for a deeper meaning of happiness without material wealth whereby we just can't accept his generosity at face value!

Perhaps he's no 'Mother Theresas'...but maybe he's just doing it his way....

Applaud that man!
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I always assumed that money *can* buy you pleasure. And some subset of the population can be made happy by pleasure.

But if that ain't him, and he recognizes it, and wants to be a swell fellow, then good for him!
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Ever since the industrial revolution, our lives have been made easier. Steam engines, electricity, cars, planes, computers, cell phones, etc.

Our society has not been able to adapt to these changes naturally, in an evolved way. So we follow those people that we think are wealthy and successful. We create a list of wants without satisfying our basic needs. The media tells us that if you buy this car, you will be so happy. You buy the car and after a few weeks, all you have is a debt and a piece of metal.

You get a big screen TV and you sit in front of it like a zombie for hours being entertained.

And I am not against technology or tools that are created, but if we took the time to learn how to use these tools in our lives and live life, we would be much more satisfied with who we were.
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I can't believe this. I just lost my job 2 months ago and my house is for sale. I will have nothing soon. I am about to loose everything I ever worked for.

I hope I can be as happy as this guy.
Something tells me that I wont be.
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Interesting story but...

Isn't there a way to find the middle ground?

A way to apply our gifts and talents in a career or business that helps to sustain and fulfill our needs?

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"Store up for yourself treasures in heaven were thiefs and moths do not destroy."

Still seems like wise words to me. This life is short but heaven lasts forever.

God Bless!
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Now your talking that is great idea. But let me give the correct way of giving. First Give your First fruits to the Lord Jesus Christ and everthing should be second. Let me tell you No charity or man can take care of you in your life execpt the One and only Jesus.
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I hope many of us are smacking our foreheads right now. This guy just doesn't understand money. Sure, he'll be happy for a while, but wait until he gets a cavity or needs some medical attention and he doesn't have any money to help himself!
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I think charity is a good idea, but no matter how much money you hand to them it wont be enough. Now if you were to help individuals you will trully make a difference in one persons life, and trust me it would be enough. (depends how much $$$ you give)
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This guy has gone off the deep end. I'm glad he wants to give to charity and all, but he is being way to extreme and wll regret it in a few months.
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What a great story and a great individual! The world needs more people like you! I enjoy helping others and have volunteered over 1,000 miles away for a week at a time--I can only imagine the excitement you must be feeling right now! Super Guy!
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It's nice what he's doing. However, everyone needs a certain amount of income to survive in this world, so I don't understand why he's giving it ALL away.

There are a lot of people who suffer ever day from hunger, homelessness, depression, bad health, etc. due to lack of money. So if some users are screaming at their computers right now, I DON'T BLAME YOU!!
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well done - it's what we should do with our money psalm 119 tells us how to be happy - "Happy those whose way is blameless, who walk by the teaching of the LORD.
2 Happy those who observe God's decrees, who seek the LORD with all their heart.
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Im glad to see that he understands that money cant buy him happiness. he was more happier when he had nothing. it humbles you and make u appreciate the things u earn. god bless,
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my sister made a very good salary in the BIG CIY, but found she wasnt happy either. no friends. no family around. So she quit and moved to a very small TX town. she has no high salary, no high rent, but lots of friends and family. She looks ten years younger and enjoys life very much. She also is a LOT healthier. No more alergies, no more stress headaches, no more road rage, etc.


Well done!!!
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I hope you can help my family with some money because we need it. I have not work for 5 years. Because I'm a diabetic, been for 12 yrs. I'm not looking forward to be a case. I just need help with my mortgage.
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Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
I wish I had his courage!!
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Lot of people struggling to get money no matter how. They do not realise they have "friends" around because of their money. They also forget that the only thing to carry on when die, is what ever they had done to be happy and make others happy as well. I think this guy really wants to go back to the real happiness; I mean when he was poor. Perhaps at that time he hadn't the money but he had people around who would do anything for him, at any time. Congratulations for your decision! God blesses you!
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It's his money to do what he wants with. What he did with it is very honorable. I would make sure the charities are actually on the front lines and not taking 5 star vacations on donated money. Does anyone remember Percy Ross? He also gave away his fortune.
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I think he should keep some for his family. Or better yet invest in some young companies that can pay it forward for a 50X years.

They call them social investors , they require a start-up donates X money when it becomes large or goes public.
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I had millions of dollars and gave it away because I was unhappy. Now I have nothing and guess what... Im still Unhappy! Shit I think I was better off unhappy with a roof over my head and food to eat. Maybe I should not smoke crack anymore- Kevin
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You know.. you need $$ to buy the hut in the mountains... Hopefully he keeps enough for that...

Look, if a loved one is terminally ill, all the money in the world isn't going to make you happy. Barring that, if you have money and don't have to stress out about getting the bills paid and can spend the time doing the things you love... be it crafts, travel, singing...whatever... then money can buy you happiness or at least peace of mind...
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This man is right. Money cannot make you happy unless God is in the 'equation'. Living for the Lord is the only thing that will make a man truly happy. We cannot find happiness inside of ourselves nor outside of ourselves in this world. Only in the 'missing link' can we find TRUE and LASTING happiness. This man was temporarily happy, but finally found out the truth. Trust Christ as your Savior and you will find out what I am writing about. Read Romans 1-6 and you can also find out what I am saying.
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He could give some of it to me if he likes. It would be great to have my wife and I's debt taken care of. School loans & house mtg paid for would help us out alot. I hope that he finds some happyness cause it would be a bummer to not have some happyness in your life. GOOD LUCK to you and your quest for happyness.
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I hope a falcon swoops down and pecks this guys eye out. Make a turd hut out in the damn mountains?!? This guy needs to get mauled by a bull moose! I hope he steps on his glasses day one in the f'in jungle and can no longer see to find his way out. God does not pay my bills! I hope hes leaning towards cancer research at least with this money. I just had to dig the couch for change to buy diapers, im a little angry sorry.
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To Beau

I have no idea who something is telling me to contact you. In this magical world where anything can happen I think I might hear from you. In case
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His entire fortune to charity? WHAT?!

You all donating to the africans and the latins and the poor people here and there, what about the poor people in your own damn neighborhood? They are not worth helping? Even you give $1,000 to a struggling middle class family in todays economy, it makes more a difference in their lives than it does to give an african rice for a day.


Economy is all screwed to hell.
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Hey Man,

Good for you. I feel the same way,it is too bad you did not realize this sooner. I will be keeping my money for the sake of my family,but I have recently come to the conclusion that money does not buy happiness although it can nurture it. Maybe consider keeping a little for a rainy day. If you don't have a family than what the hey,give it all away and go be happy. Some people no matter how much money they have will never find true happiness. You have been given a gift,enjoy it !

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While I applaud this man for what he is doing, I am a bitskeptical to why he would all of the sudden decide to throw all of his money into charities? Taxes, maybe? Also, do you think his little wooden hut in the mountains is a cheap piece of real estate? Doubtful. He'll be roughing it up there with a 72" LCD TV hanging from his wall. Heh :)
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Recently had a relative pass away and for all she did all her life, all she had left was a small box of stuff in a shared closet in the nursing home she was in, thats all anyone ever has when they die and you cant take any of that with you.
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Happiness comes from within. Money or the lack thereof won't fix the problem. He might still be happier poor because it might feel more normal to him. I would not recomend this as a cure all for unhappiness. Hope he is happy!
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Good for him. They say if you have everything then your miserable because you no longer have goals or dreams to reach. I would of gave a least half to the animal shelters.
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I could use 20 000 euros,You would make me the happiest person on earth if you decide to share something with this third world soul struggling on this capitalist world email me let me know :) the reason I would be happy with this amount of money is that I can get to be the owner of my own time once for all and achieve freedom
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thats very nice of you its like the Enlightenment.

You should really consider donation to small HIV organizations that still do it for the communities and not money
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I get the part about becoming a slave to the empire one creates.. It is the thief of time which one may feel would be better spent on a road trip, or listening to good music and having a cool one.
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I wonder if he is giving college scholarships to those young people that need financial support and those that have high academic achievement. If so, my daughter and step-son are both 12th graders with high 3.8 & 3.5 gpas. We certainly can use the help. Seriously, thank you for considering a mother's clarion call. How can I reach you?
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What this man has been feeling is real. We ALL search for happiness do we not? This man has found relief from his troubled lifestyle based on getting rich, but he will not be truly and lastingly happy until he receives Christ to save him from his sins. You can find what I found out by reading the book of Romans in your Bible.
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Happiness or joy will never be found outside the self whether you have money or not. I suppose some will find it easier to look within if there are less distractions.

Enjoy the journey!
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It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus told the wealthy man to give up all his possessions and follow him. Money pays the bills not happiness!!! I pray GOD will Bless him in his health and a long happy life in GOD.
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There is a sucker born every minute! The man is clearly a FOOL! Giving all his money up to live in a hut!! The man has clearly lost his @#$%^! mind! In a perfect world he would be flogged to death! unappreciative @#$%!
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I would think that he would have happiness if he had a good wife and family. I do think donating money t charities is a positive approach for him to feel better about himself. What goes around...................
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fascinating! but when this idiot winds up frozen to death and his car breaks down and everyone treating him like shit he will rethink all of this. I do agree with him somewhat, its not about going after material things, its about being content and comfortable, confident with what you have............
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Heck, he ought to consider the mom's who are going back to school to better their life and career, or changing their career path, he should set up a scholarship program for them, and have the conversion from the pound to other currencies what it would be worth. But it is a good thing he is doing though.
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How can I meet this man? I have $6 in my bank account. I have been trying to save $300 for my medical school application fees, so I can return to school and realize my dream of becoming a doctor. Do you think he could spare that amount for me? A lot of regular people can use a little charity nowadays. People with money to just give away should help the average Joe/Jane too. Someday, I hope to be able to give away money too.
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I always thought that the richer you are the stingier you become. I deal with a lot of people on a daily basis and found that wealth does not make one generous. Something drastic must have happened to Karl. I would have built a hospital allowing poor people free care.
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Its hard for me to understand. I lost my job earning over 80,000 a year and had to result to now earning 28,000 with two teenage boys and an ex husband taking me back to court to reduce child support that is based on 1999 tax returns...Im at the point of having to sell my house which by all means is not elaborate...but it is our home..Wish I was in that position and If I was would look in the direction of helping a family that is in desperate need.
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I am guessing he doesn't have kids either. Anyone who does knows that without any money, you can't provide the bare necessities for the people you love the most.

And don't even get me started on trying to provide health insurance and decent health care for them in the USA!

Money may not buy you happiness, but it gives you options in life. And it gives you the ability to spend quality time with your loved ones. I have lots of good ways to spend that $3 million, that's for sure!
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I don't think money is the problem, is the love of it that causes the unhappiness. So many good things can be acomplished if you have the right attitude towards money and things and not make them Gods.

If you worship dead things you will have a dead life.
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It may be true that money isn't everything but it sure as hell is ahead of whatever is in second place.
Whoever says that money can't buy happiness doesn't know where to shop.
I'd rather have too much money than not enough. Poverty sux!
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He has the right concept, however, I agree with whomever said that he could have found someone who is already on the street to give some of his wealth to b/c millions are suffering right now. He'll never be happy until he finds salvation from the Lord Jesus...that's where our Joy comes from!
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Wow, more power to him. Hopefully he kept a safty net for old age. Wish he would have given it to Cancer research or something like that could have benifited everyone instead of one specific region. But its his $ to do whatever.
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Congratulations to him. It is true, that money does not buy happiness. I ended up better off than the way I grew up. But it took me several years to realize that any item I could buy, would not make me happy. It might give me a rush to be able to buy it, and then the feeling is gone. With my kids, the more they get, the more they want, and I have said, STOP! Values, and doing for others, will bring more happiness.
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What!, give me the money I can promise you that I will find happiness.

And I can tell you that those charities in Central and Latin America, which btw is the same, are going to spend the whole money in no helping people but helping themselves and making themselves happy in less than a month.
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Millions upon millions of desperately poor people all over the world are not going to be any better off because one millionaire decides to give away what he's earned. Instead of giving away a finite amount, why not teach the poor how to earn wealth as he's done? If they all get to LEARN how to do it, and they aren't held back by stupid leftist state governments that discourage people from being wealthy by taxing them to death, maybe the world could have fewer poor?

something to think about. Karl, whether you give it away or not, TEACH A MAN TO FISH. Don't just hand him a fish to make yourself feel better.
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I believe money does not bring happiness, but on the other hand, neither does being poor. It's what you do with what you have that makes you feel good about yourself and others.
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I could use some of that money. Just want to pay off my student loan $15,000.....What do you say, make me a little happy and spread your wealth to my neighborhood!
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I think it's great that he is donating to charities.


Apparently he doesn't know what it's like to be broke in a bad economy right now. Struggling to pay the bills on time, let alone put food on the table. There is nothing 'Happy' about being in those situations.

So yes… Money does NOT buy you happiness but it can promote a better life for you and your family. It can pay the bills. Feed the family and every so often pay for hobbies that you may enjoy.

I don't quite understand how living in a hut, in the mountains with no money will = happiness. I would figure it to be quite quiet and lonely.
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Amazing story, people have some stupid comments but we should really all learn from this guy. Not saying id give ALL my money away, but i do agree with it if its making you unhappy and that its great that hes finally going to live his life the way he wants...good luck
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come on i'm a wife with 2 little girls ages 9 and 8.
I'm unemployeed my husband just got out of the hospital from having a toe amputated and is out of work for at least 2 months on medical leave(unpaid). we now have 55,000 in medical bills and cant pay rent. we tried to get tanf (temporary assitance for needy families), food stamps and medicaid at the time but was turned down. he made just over $600 for the month of Jan, too much to get it. we have reaplied. the limit it $340 max. income. If he really wants to be happy giving it away he should try looking in his own back yard( country) I'm sure there are others like us.
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Come on!!! You can have some money and use some for good causes also. And yes that does bring some happiness. Why be so extreme? Granted many people live lavish lives that are unnecessary and they could spread the wealth more as well. Some money does bring peace of mind which does bring happiness. Paying bills ontime, having a house and car for your family. Money in the bank for emergencies. Some money to travel and get a few extra things. This life wasn't meant to live lavishly or in poverty. And we were meant to help others in need if we have it. Doesn't this make sense?
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"I had the feeling I was working as a slave for things that I did not wish for or need. I have the feeling that there are lot of people doing the same thing"

he shouldntve watched fightclub.
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Well done, I say.

It is understandable how those of us who were raised in Western society have trouble with this. In the east happiness is practiced; in the west happiness is pursued (as the saying goes). Hats off to him for finally understanding the difference.

"If you don't get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don't want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is a law, and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.” Dan Millman
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I went from having 6 figures to having medical problems and going under to not having anything... I can tell you that it has caused more stress of not knowing where my next penney is coming from to eat, and loosing my very basic 1 bedroom home of 20 years to foreclosure - If I even had 5000. I could save the roof over my head... He's making a horrible mistake in not keeping a back up account in case something happens.
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You are absolutely correct. Too many are on the unhappy path; most have a lonely heart seeking a spiritual awaking and are looking in the wrong places. You have found it. Consider reading "The Way of the Dreamcather" by S.T. Georgiou and this will help you find peace. God Bless!
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