
YouTube Link with HD

William Hoffman is a New York filmmaker who put this video together and uploaded it last August.  It's finally getting some viral activity, and rightfully so.  It's "a celebration of life that was inspired by David Eagleman's book, Sum."

I do enjoy a perfectly realized edit, and this one's full of them.  William's website.

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Imagine you had never experienced this world, that you were in some sort of experience-less purgatory, where you knew words and ideas, but you had no concept of what the world was really like, and for one instance in your existence, you were allowed one glimpse of what life was, but it would only last for 257 seconds.
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I liked the message.
Life is wonderful and tragic. Yet there is a certain beauty even in the sad moments of our lives. One day, like a balloon that escapes its owner grasp, its simply gone.
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No, I guess I just prefer to make my own moments, and don't rely on somebody else to tell me what generic moments I should appreciate.

I gave up after 19 seconds because this was just an apparently random scattering of images. If I want that, I'll do an image search on google.
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