CharlesNelsonReilly's Comments

I agree that parents need to be able to keep their kids quiet, but it is age specific.

Kids 2 and under are going to do what they are going to do. Anyone who says otherwise has no experience parenting.
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Obviously I have too much time on my hands today and am suckered back in here. I'm sure most have seen this video (Louis CK on Conan):

I paraphrase: Your flight is delayed, maybe there is a chicken on board, but did you not just fly, like a bird, in the sky???

aberguy: I think most people do not grasp the complexity of the airline system and the work and coordination it takes to make it run as smoothly as it does.
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Fair enough. I know this was not the question posted for this thread. I couldn't help myself though ;) Just reiterating that I have flown plenty and never had any significant problems primarily because I think if people search out problems they find them. I rarely see anything that prevents me from getting on my plane, sitting down, and getting off when I arrive. What more does one need. Ok, off my soap box and done with my own whining ;)
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And, sorry, I'm not trying to be whiny either, since that is the attitude I am criticizing, but I laugh at people who complain about the security screening. Oh no! you had to remove your belt? The horror! You had to take off your shoes? Oh the humanity!!
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Its just funny because I've flown plenty and never had a bad experience. You get on the plane, sit down, relax and get off when you get there. I think the only people who have bad experiences are those whose expectations are unreasonably high and don't understand how to travel.
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I don't understand why airlines are subject to a question like this. People always whine about airlines. But if they get you from point A to point B what do you care? Its like airline passengers expect the airlines to kiss their behinds, wipe their noses and carry their bags. What other industry is put under such demands?
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