There's a widespread conspiracy to conceal the truly intelligent nature of American animals, but thanks to the True American Dog blog, we now know the truth. How do I know that it's true? Well, I read it on the Interweb: Link - via Look At This
There's a widespread conspiracy to conceal the truly intelligent nature of American animals, but thanks to the True American Dog blog, we now know the truth. How do I know that it's true? Well, I read it on the Interweb: Link - via Look At This
look, i get that there's a cash benefit in crap like this (old ladies are still sending chain letter spam, after all), but seriously. cute hamster hats and boring photo dumps of shitty animal-related photoshop jobs are so mid '90s. aren't we tired of it yet?
I don't mind vapid stuff like this as much as the vapid pictures and videos of people's family members doing some old summer camp nonsense, or doing precocious baby/child stuff.
Sure, this picture is kinda dumb, but it pales in comparison.