"You Think I'm Mad, Don't You?" from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader gave us the lowdown on the mad scientists portrayed in ten recommended films.
From mental_floss magazine, we had 6 Common Baby Names that Might Hurt You. They didn't do so well for others.
Over at NeatoBambino, Tiffany has some tips for packing your preschooler's backpack, in case you are sending your baby off to school for the first time.
This week's post A Non-Math Look at Math Shapes is the requested followup to A Non-Math Look at Math Objects from a couple of weeks ago. I suppose you think it's funny to put a non-math person through this.
A post at NeatoGeek, Jonathan Archer, Badass, contains some spoilers if you haven't seen the entire TV series Enterprise. However, the comment thread turned into a debate about the merits of the last Star Trek series.
The latest acquisition in the Museum of Possibilities is Might Toilets Be Placed Anywhere in The Home?
We'd like to welcome painter Michelle Banks to the Art Blog. Check out her gallery of heart rhythms, bacteria, and dividing cells rendered in beautiful watercolors.
Congratulations to marcintosh who won a t-shirt from the NeatoShop in this week's NeatoGeek Caption Contest. See the winning caption at the link.
The winner of the What Is It? competition this week was Augie. Congrats!
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