Apparently, this is how American soldiers drive in Iraq! Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via YesButNoButYes
Note: Some in the comments said that the soldiers had to drive like this to limit the risk of getting shot, whereas others said that no wonder Iraqis hate Americans, they drive like maniacs.
P.S. No wonder they hate us.
But somehow war brings out weird behaviour in involved soldiers.. I'm sure that other countries have had soldiers who did not behave respectful of the besieged people. Right?
maybe they have to drive like that to avoid getting shot because they drive like that.
doesnt add to any progress..
Now we have asshat soldiers going around teasing kids with water, and now we have asshat soldiers going around bumping into peoples cars without a damn cares
This makes me sick, no wonder why people hate us. I'm tired of us being represented by asshat in command and his lackeys ... they're doing nothing but making us look like complete assholes.
Hope they die.
Yes, Ian, I heard the horn. Although, I would assume, and maybe I'm wrong, that if they were rushing to an emergency, that we'd also hear some sort of radio communication or instructions. Of course, we didn't exactly hear them giggling and snorting either.
In these times when we're constantly bombarded with extreme, sensational images like this (from ALL sides and opinions), it's hard not to jump to conclusions.
Where's Osama?
It's a no-win situation (read about Vietnam in your history books) and exactly why these types of wars should only be fought when absolutely necessary.
Bush got us stuck in this with the idiotic notion of "preemptive war."
The Liberal Avenger Says:
Hey Ian:
Where’s Osama?
Being a minor, I am often ignored when conversations like this pop up. I am honestly flattered That you consider me your equal, or at least equal enough to converse with. I would appreciate it though if you didn't put words in my mouth, nor change the subject. I never said anything about Osama, Afghanistan, or how about coming up with an intelligent argument to refute my own. I am more than happy to listen. Once again, I feel the need to make some sort of remark regarding bandwagons...Everybody completely missed my main point in my first comment. I could really care less what people think about the middle east right now.... The truth is, our media and our government is corrupt beyond what we could ever imagine, and it's time we stop buying into their bullshit and think for ourselves. Honestly, do you really give a damn where Lindsey Lohan is tonight or if there is a picture of Obama with his shirt off? Do you really think we should vote somebody into power based off of what they said to so-and-so or if they voted yes on something once and no the second time? Do you really care if Senator so-and-so went out drinking on his night off? Seriously, who gives a damn? Oh wait, the American public. As long as people want to argue something intelligent with asshat remarks like "Where is Osama?", nothing will ever change. Seriously, you couldn't think of anything more concrete than "Where is Osama?" I apologize If I offended you Liberal Avenger, but as of now I really think it's time for a rude awakening....for everyone. Lastly, I would like to remind everyone that I included my personal email address for a reason...if you want to engage in a personal conversation, feel free to contact me there rather than filling neatorama's bandwidth with bullshit.
I've got a huge essay I'm working on tonight, So I'm going to be checking neatorama approximately every half hour... as is my habit when on the internet. Keep the comments coming, I love intelligent conversation!
Get killed or piss people off.
Kind of puts it in perspective.
War sucks.
BTW, I support our efforts in Iraq, does that mean I have to enlist to have a say Mary? Following that logic, nobody but veterans are eligible to shape foreign policy when force is involved. I prefer our current policy of Civilian control for the military.
Sounds good to me! Indeed there would be less war if f'tard war dodgers weren't "playing Army" with other peoples sons.
Cheers yo,
PFC Burton
US Army
Main difference seems to be the humvee has a weak horn instead of a siren, and they give your fender a love tap instead of a "guilty till you prove yourself innocent" fine. If I was driving the POS's like the folks in video, I'd prefer the love tap.
Bottom line don't be so quick to pass judgement when you only know a small portion of the story.
By the way if you really think they all "hate" us over there, you've spent way too much time listening to only one side of the story. Here's just one site to educate yourself
Or just continue to be myopic and pessimistic. It's up to you.
Give war a chance!
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why you don't want to be still and immobilized in a war zone.
Becki Says: "You pacifists are pathetic.
Give war a chance!" - Becki, you are a fool to think that war needs a 'chance'. People die. It's not pretty, it's not desirable, and in the case of the Iraq war, it is not justified.
He's a scenario I want you guys to imagine. A Canadian terrorist attacks China. China in retaliation invades the US, deposes the government, and sets up a "real" democracy. Sounds silly, doesn't it?
The rationale behind the aggressive driving is that Iraqis will get out of the way, because they know that bad things will happen otherwise. If bad things don't happen, there's less urgency to move out of the way. Basically, if the Iraqi's decision is to block a convoy or crash into another car, the military wants them to decide to crash into another car every time.
During most of the convoys I was on, the cars got out of the way as fast and far as possible and the roads were open. In downtown areas it was sometimes impossible, so the lead guntruck would "nudge" the cars out of the way.
Innocent bystanders in the way are not to be taken into account. Soldiers are specifically told that if a person is in front of the vehicle and they can't swerve out of the way without endangering themselves, they are to run that person over instead of braking.
I've heard stories of Iraqi children being pushed into a convoy in an attempt to stop the convoy then spring an ambush. It was specifically mentioned during our training as an instance where we may not want to run someone over, but we have to. Whether this situation has ever arisen, I can't say. I've never seen it or anything similar. It's usually just traffic jams.
That's pragmatism, for you.
That (amongs other things) makes it so much easier to recruit suicide bombers. Hardly a good way to solve things in the long run.
"Sounds good to me! Indeed there would be less war if f’tard war dodgers weren’t “playing Army†with other peoples sons."
Indeed there would be less war.
Sucky part is, usually the F'tard dodgers end up in charge.
That doesn't change the fact that civilian control of the military is better than military control of the civilians...
I fully understand that any unvarnished video of such a situation will likely cause many, including myself, to feel that we are being jerks and aggressors, and that reality requires a little dirtyness. My idealistic side hopes that we can be civil to one another regardless of religion, ethnicity, or political orientation, but it only takes one jerk to incite equal reactions. Our troops wouldn't drive like that if someone hadn't had killed or attacked them while stopped, but driving like that can't help the natives think highly of us - a lose lose situation no matter how you look at it.
Gosh I wish we could get out of there. I think both sides would be better off in the end......
Also notice the number of pedestrians that wave at the soldiers as they pass.
Did you even read through any of my posts? I provided a sound theory as to why this may have happened, nothing more. I didn't try to excuse anything, I offered a possible explanation. The bulk of my posts (and the main point BY FAR) had nothing to do with the video. I recommend you read through all of my comments, because you are a perfect example of the conditioning the media and government puts us all through today with their constant sensationalism and bull-crap. The government is too concerned with their own petty bi-partisan squabbles and power mongering. The media feeds you nothing but drama, sensationalism and terror because THATS WHAT SELLS. A perfect example is Donald you REALLY think he likes his hair like that? No! He does it because people make fun of it, and bad publicity is still publicity. Do you really think he cares that strongly about whatever his deal is with Rosie O'Donnell? NO! He carries it on because people talk about it, it sells tabloids, and he gets publicity. Negative publicity, but publicity nonetheless. Our Media and or Government is nothing but pointless, mindless drivel designed to play to our sick pleasures and either sway us to one side or sell something. I know I sound like some insane hippie or something, but it's only because if we want anything to change ANYWHERE, we have to do something about these problems here at home. Again, I provided my personal email just for things like this. By all means, continue to attack me with baseless, poorly thought out garbage in public.
"Oh, look! The humvee is driving moderately faster than the rest of the traffic. I'll just wave and perhaps shoot at the next one to stop at a red light."
I think Americans are self-rightous, gun-toting imbeciles as much as the next guy, BUT if I was driving through hostile territory where I might get shot at at any moment, then I would drive just like these guys.
I'm sure this is standard operating procedure.
You're also not trying to keep the humvee itself from being shot, you're trying to keep the exposed gunners on top from being a stationary target. It's all about attempting to minimize risk for the convoy personnel.
The rule of thumb is not to drive a little faster than whatever traffic happens to be around, it is to drive as fast as the slowest vehicle in the convoy, in other words, as fast as possible.
Looks like they were in a hurry.
Perhaps somebody was dying somewhere.
What a bunch of asinine comments - "no wonder they hate Americans", "this makes people into suicide bombers", "Canadian terrorists in China".
Give me a break, and think before you comment.
Too many soapboxes, not enough soap.
perhaps its a little too basic and a little bit "gay" for military?
1. You have to drive fast and maintain constant motion in urban areas in order to deny the enemy the chance to maneuver on your or ambush you.
2. Fact. It is the law in Iraq that all civillian traffic must yield to US convoys.
3. Fact. Driving faster will increase your chances of living thru an IED or VBIED (aka car bomb) because by the time you hit the initiator and the bomb goes off, you are already moving away from the bomb. I know about this, I've lived thru 2 IED's and 1 VBIED doing this.
4. Fact. Driving faster also protects the gunner, who is in the turret, from sniper fire. If the vehicle is sitting still, the only one not protected is the gunner, and he is a target for sniper fire. I've got a good friend who managed to not get shot or die while being shot at by two different snipers in two different positions at the same time.
5. Fact. Those of you who have not been over here, and have not seen what goes on here have no fucking idea what the real deal is over here, and you're all just armchair quarterbacks, and I consider you as useless as diahrrea.
6. Fact. The bad guys do use children as a way to get to Americans. They know Americans will help the children, and they use that to their advantage, they use children as bombers, as ways to stop the convoy to setup an ambush, and another tactic that I have personally seen; the bad guys are giving kids toy guns and telling the kids that if they point the guns at the Americans, then the Americans will give the kids candy. Then they videotape the kid as some soldier shoots the kid, thinking the weapon is real, because you really can't tell it not real until you take the gun away. I was lucky enough to be close enough to take the gun away.
7. Fact. From what I saw on the video, the soldiers driving the humvee followed the very restrictive ROE(Rules Of Engagement); so get off their nuts.
You disagree with the war, personally I think you're retarded for that, but hey, its cool with me; just don't go blaming the soldiers. I agree with the war, and will definately be coming back here again asap; however I disagree with the leadership at the general officer level, and I disagree with the way the war is being ran from the general officer level. You wanna make a change? Awesome, make them change their plan and send more COMBAT ARMS troops, no more support troops; there's not enough comat arms troops in country, and support soldiers mainly don't leave the wire. There's not enough combat arms soldiers on the streets patrolling and killing bad guys, and that's my disagreement with the war.
And if you think you know better, and haven't been here, go to your local recruiting office, sign up, get your ass over here, lemme know where you're at, and I'd be happy to be your team leader. Just make sure you go Infantry, b/c that's how you see things outside the wire. The real Iraq.
I'm out
1. The Iraqi people have been subject to, and for the most part are accustomed to, the presence of both foreign and military presence in their urban areas over the last few years. These military forces are both highly visible and heavily targeted by the enemy. It’s hard to miss them when they’re driving through the streets.
2. These highly visible and heavily targeted military personnel and vehicles are targeted daily by planted explosive devices that can take any form – from the parked and/or moving vehicles, plastic bottles, piles of trash, etc. – as well as sniper fire, especially the gunner (a brave soul who exposes the upper half of his/her body on top of the vehicle). Because both these threats often depend on timing by the trigger-man, speed and momentum are key factors in subverting the enemy’s attack. Compound this with the enemy tactic of purposely slowing down military vehicles in order to make their attacks more effective, or in other words, so they can kill more people when they bunch up.
3. These military forces also consciously avoid heavily populated areas unless necessary, exceptions being areas requiring a security presence. Finding safe (i.e., minimally populated either by location or time) avenues of movement is a key part of route planning, and includes minimizing exposure of locals to threats, and inversely, exposing military personnel to potential enemies, who also tend to hide within civilian populations.
While I don’t expect the average civilian to understand why Soldiers or Marines may drive like they have a case of road rage on steroids, or to look past that the fact they’re not driving their Honda Civic in the middle of the O.C., I would ask they would appreciate the point others have made in the comments in that these people are driving with the knowledge that they are sitting ducks, unflinchingly and sorely wanting to protect themselves and their comrades, all the while driving through an environment filled with an unseen, extremely deadly enemy, and surrounded by people who they also have to protect, but at the same time have to be be wary of. Makes your head spin, doesn’t it?
Finally, going back to the point about perspective, anyone who’s been to Egypt, Italy, Spain, or South Korea has seen much worse driving than this. In fact, the “guy picking his nose†would’ve been run over twice by Vespas if he was doing the same thing in Rome.
PS – not the right type of website to talk about it, but the Iraqis don’t hate Americans because of they way they drive. A lot of them congenially tolerate (God forbid, even like) the military there, as they realize they wouldn’t be as safe without them. A lot of the angst and resentment (aside from the west's history in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict... yeah, it's a hot issue in Iraq) comes from not being able to do enough to make their lives safer from terrorists, sooner... although it’s not for the lack of trying…
Keep up the great work. And thanks.
"# AK-00 Says:
January 28th, 2007 at 6:05 am
This is why no-one likes US troops. The only thing you can trust them to do is cover their own asses, first and foremost."
We cover our own asses and the ones of our comrades because it is clear that asshats like you never will even be able to cover yourselves, let alone anyone else.
I don't support the war. That's why I had to get out after the first tour. What really gets me are the people who live their nice comfortable lives, have had to sacrifice nothing, and dump on the soldiers for doing what soldiers do. If you're that opposed to what they are doing, you should have protested harder, written more letters, talked to more people, contacted your congressperson. You know, all the things that responsible citizen of a democratic republic are obligated to do in order to perserve their freedom, but most are too lazy or apathetic to.
(for americans) don't get out of the way of a police car or firetruck and see how long it takes them to bump you. :)