Giant Nomura's Jellyfish Attacking Asia!

Giant Nomura's jellyfish, as big as 6 ft wide and as heavy as 450 lb, are invading the Sea of Japan. These large creatures are destroying fishermen's nets and crushing the fish in their catch.

In a very typical Asian way, the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are dealing with this problem by eating them: jellyfish are promoted as novelty food, dried and salted.

Yum. Link (via BoingBoing)

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Well I am asian and I think it;s genius! We always come up with such smart ideas to deal with the naturals diasters ..the Tsuami for example
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Not to worry. Undoubtedly somebody over there will decide that the jelly, tentacles, venom, whatever, of the giant jellyfish is either a delicacy or an aphrodisiac, and they will be hunted relentlessly, the authorities will become alarmed and try to manage the resource, and then they will be poached into near extinction as they have with such silly things as horns from the black rhinoceros. Too bad we haven't found a good use for the flesh of idiots.
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