Thebes's Comments

Well at least they are demanding a smaller handout than the bankers!

I knew one of these "I'm fat because of my genes" people. She was adopted so the excuse held up until a friend saw her eating a BOWL OF COUNTRY CROCK margarine like it was ice cream! Last I heard she was having to go through doors sideways.
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I think it is often an effective strategy, though perhaps only in the short term. It won't work at all if you bought a house and took out a loan at a local bank who never had it bundled and packaged into an unrecognizable paper monstrosity. But most recent loans through brokers have indeed changed many hands and been turning into "financial instruments" that no longer remotely resemble a mortgage.

A few thoughts. Most homeowners would also have a copy of the note, and the plaintiff could seek it from them in discovery.

Asking what the amount of the mortgage was and what the payments were in court might not help the plaintiff, since the terms often called for payments to balloon at a certain point and in a certain fashion, as well as charges for mortgage insurance that change over time (a friend lost a house to that on a "fixed rate" mortgage), etc. Its not so simple as how much are the payments and for how long.

Zombie- your comments are ironic, as I see them as being basically brain-dead. Did your former employer not contribute to this mess in any way? Did they intentionally not verify income? Did they even encourage the borrower to LIE on forms? Many, if not most, did. Furthermore, the way the fiat monetary system of the USA is setup, either;
1) the monetary supply must continuously grow at a rate fast enough to pay the interest on previously created money,
2) the whole house of cards collapses, starting with those least able to pay.

This money MUST have been lent to continue inflating the bubble. When the bubble stops inflating it pops and can not be blown up again. This has happened and our POTUS et. al. are blowing their hot air (and massive debt - aka money) into empty space.
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I'm 36 and heard it loud and clear on my laptop. Annoying, like an old tube tv starting to fail.

I can't help but notice that most people in the comments can also hear it, so I guess maybe there is a problem with the test?
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Nice presentation, but I wish that it touched some on how a fiat monetary system virtually guarantees that such crises will occur.

This, as well, is pretty simply illustrated. Basically as soon as money is loaned at interest there is not enough money in existence to pay back the loan... the loan can only ever be paid back if more money is created. Banks know this and economists know this, and this is why ALL fiat money systems have inflation - deflation is a very bad sign and a sign of collapse in a fiat economy. The problem is that no economy in the world has ever grown indefinitely- and as soon as it stops growing the largest risks WILL default.
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"In the past 300 years its warmed 14 degrees Fahrenheit! This global warming will kill us all!! Must raise taxes!!!" -- Al "Carbon Exchange" Gore
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The average distance for a criminal shooting is something like 7 yards. Say 20 feet, with the bullet moving at least 800 feet per second means that suit would need to move me out of the way in 25 milliseconds. That level of acceleration would cause lethal trauma.

So, suppose its just to protect against the extremely rare long range sniper... lets say that most of those kind of threats happen from 100 yards (far longer than the average criminal rifle shot I am sure)... even then with a rifle round moving 3000 feet per second the magical suit would still need to move me out of the way in about 0.1 seconds... seem very likely to anyone?

Perhaps this is some bizarre form of guerrilla marketing for IBM, but its not a useful device.
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I don't know which is more disturbing.

That this has made national news and is considered neat enough to blog.


That this woman wants the nanny state to do her job and either teach her son some manners or throw him out.

Now our already scarce tax dollars get spent because she's offended by the results of her crappy parenting skills.
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Wonderful idea. If I could buy a pair I would, just so I always have spare glasses around for anyone who might need them. I'd pay more than $1 too!
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If there were no market for illegal drugs, then this violence wouldn't be happening.

How to get rid of the market for ILLEGAL drugs? Legalize them! If Mexican drug lords had to compete against legal US pot growers and coke refiners, their profits would collapse. Its the massive money from the black market that fuels this violence.
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