Archive for October 27th, 2014

Interstellar Movie Review

Let's none of us play any games right now, okay? I think we ALL know that Interstellar looks like the best movie of the forthcoming holiday season. You take a little bit of the genius of Christopher Nolan, and y...

Why Your Cat Thinks You’re a Huge, Unpredictable Ape

The communication gap between humans and our cats is huge. That’s because cats are not human, and don’t perceive or learn our attempts at communication the same way infant humans, or even dogs, learn them. Ni...

The Making Of Michael Jackson's Thriller

As long as I live I will never forget the premier of Michael Jackson's Thriller video. I was young. So young in fact, I was not allowed in the room. Mind you, like any cunning kid, I slid up behind the couch and...

Portraits of Veterans Injured in the Civil War

Pvt. Samuel H. Decker, Company I, 4th US artillery. Double amputation of the forearms for injury caused by the premature explosion of a gun on 8 October 1862, at the Battle of Perryville, KY. Shown with self-designed...

Heather Boggs's The Shining Hats

Heather Boggs of Madision, Wisconsin knits hats with patterns that reflect the costumes and scenery of Stanley Kubrick's iconic horror film The Shining. She does an excellent job of matching war...

Can Bad Memories Be Erased?

[]YouTube LinkIs it possible to erase bad memories? Some people who suffer from mental problems after going through traumatic experiences, such as war veterans with PTSD, could...

Star Trek in Mayberry

A backlot known as “the 40 acres” in Culver City, California, has been the setting of so many movies and TV shows that it takes an extensive website to cover all of it. It was owned successively by RKO, Desil...

Otter Cub Trio is Acutely Adorable

These three Asian small-clawed otter cubs were born in September at Newquay Zoo in the U.K. The trio joins a group of 19 other otters at the facility. Zoo Director Stewart Muir said,“The cubs are...

Here's An Upside Down Clown To Give You Nightmares

Meet Brian- he's a great father, beloved NeatoShop artist ambassador and one heck of a nice guy, but during the Halloween season he becomes the stuff of nightmares.Brian enjoys putting a fear of dark places in folks who...

The Infected Rick - You Won't Like Him When He's Angry

The Infected Rick by CoDDesignsRick hadn't felt right since the world had gone to hell and the dead had gotten up and started walking again. It didn't help matters that he'd woken up in a hospital, unknowingly one of th...

Homemade Mystique Costume

Redditor drbonedaddy posted a picture of his girlfriend’s Halloween costume. She is the Marvel character Mystique, as portrayed in the X-Men movies. The process of constructing the costume...

The Soothing Light of the Flickering Computer Monitor

(The Awkward Yeti/Nick Seluk)The weather is perfect, so let's stay inside! Natural sunlight and unconditioned air have a certain appeal, but it's hard to watch Netflix from outside and I have to keep car...

Ten of the World's Deadliest Tourist Destinations

Acapulco was a wildly popular tourist destination from the late 1920s and peaking in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The warm, beautiful waters, inviting temperatures and interesting sightseeing remains a draw for touris...

Whodunit: Death by Chocolate

The following is a Whodunit by Hy Conrad.  These mysteries are from The Little Giant® Book of Whodunits by Hy Conrad and Matt LaFleur. Can you solve the mystery before you read the solution? (I...

The Six Different Types Of Gamer Couples

Gamers are passionate about their hobby lifestyle, and the more die-hard the gamer the more frequently they play, so it’s in a gamer’s best interest to find a romantic partner who also enjoys gaming.The coupl...

Quebec City’s 7th Annual Zombie Walk

Quebec City was invaded by zombies over the weekend! The city’s 7th annual Zombiefest was held on Saturday, which features a zombie walk (Marche des Zombies de Quebec) that shambled past Quebec City’s first C...

These Goofy Halloween Skeletons Will Make You Shriek in Laughter

Steve Miller and Stacy Adams of Fort Mill, South Carolina own a set of poseable human skeleton replicas. Last year, they started putting them in scenes on the front porch of their home. They call their project the Baxter...

Glasswinged Butterfly

Image: Flickr user Prakaas Lekshmanan This article at The Ark in Space features a nice photo collection of the lovely glasswinged butterfly (previously), scientific name Greta oto...

"I Won't Let You Down" by OK Go

[] (YouTube link)Get ready for an amazing music video. OK Go released the video for their new song today: “I Won’t Let You Down.” The innovative video features kaleidoscopic B...

Town Struggling over Alcohol Prohibition Law Discovers That the Law Doesn't Actually Exist

(That's My Story and I'm Stuck to It t-shirt)Hanover is a small town south of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. For as long as anyone can remember, it's been a dry town. That means that people aren't allowed t...

Miskatonic Fighting Fishmen - Collegiate Creatures

Miskatonic Fighting Fishmen by Andy HuntThere's no college football team more feared, or more disgusting looking, than the Miskatonic Fighting Fishmen. With a strict training regiment designed by Cthulhu himself, and a...

Fewdio Horror: The Laundromat

[](YouTube Link)Laundromats keep strange hours, with many staying open, un-staffed, overnights. For that reason, it seems to attract a rather wide and varied  clientele. Be...

Psycho-O-Lantern: Recreating the Psycho Shower Scene in Pumpkins

You think you spent a lot of time carving a Jack-o-Lantern for Halloween? Yuliya Tsukerman took a bunch of pumpkins and carved images from the iconic Psycho shower scene on them. Several dozen images, i...

Homeless Man Plays Piano Beautifully

[](Video Link)The City of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, recently put pianos in public spaces for people to play. David Rauch, an urban planner, led the project. He says that the res...

Want to Prove You're a Man? Stick Your Hand into this Glove Filled with Bullet Ants

(Photo: Pennsylvania State University)A chief of the Sateré-Mawé people put it like this:If you live your life without suffering anything or without any kind of effort, it won't be worth anything to you.It'...

The Cosplay World of Julian Checkley

Did you know that an instance of cosplay back in 1910 led to a man being arrested for “public masquerading”? What made that costume different from the usual fancy dress was that it was designed to resemble a...

3 Ways Video Games Are Good For You

[](YouTube Link)Being a nerd and avid gamer for most of my life, I stand behind the fact that gaming is far more beneficial than detrimental. It improves response time, pro...

Stone Giant Erupts out of the Earth

This is Feltépve, an enormous public sculpture by Hungarian artist Ervin Loránth Hervé. It appears to be a giant ripping out of the earth in a violent rampage.(Photos: We Love Budapest)Herv&...

Cat Riding Magic Flying Carpet

[] (YouTube link)Max-Arthur, the cat who became famous by riding a roomba dressed as a shark, has his Halloween costume ready for 2014! Here he is dressed as Princess Jasmine from the Disney mo...

The Awesome Sport of Rototiller Racing

(Photo: PurpleHull Pea Festival)Do you have a rototiller? How fast does it go? How fast can you make it go?If you can modify your tiller to go faster than any other and run behind it,...


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