Archive for December 18th, 2012

The City as a Crane Operator Sees It

Saishi is a "rooftopper" -- an explorer of sky-high urban locations. He took this shot from inside the cockpit of a crane in Toronto. Why does he do it? Saishi explains:Part of my mentality when going on these exploratio...

Giant Robots Around the World

Robots are big! You'll find robots standing 40, 50, even 60 feet tall in different parts of the world. Dark Roasted Blend shows us some you might see on your travels, from France to Azerbaijan to China. However, Japan, u...

Eggspress Heart Mold

Eggspress Heart Mold Are you looking for a simple and fun way to eggspress your love for someone? You need the Eggspress Heart Mold from the NeatoShop. This fantastic egg mold creates eggs shaped like hearts. Rememb...

Cup Changes Color After It's Been Drugged

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is odorless and colorless. But it's now possible to detect it easily. There are materials that change color when they come into contact with GHB. If you make a glass out of it, the drinker can...

Stress Relieving Animals for College Finals

The end of the college semester usually means pulling allnighters, lots of energy drinks, and an end of the world paranoia brought on by 18 credits of stress. Last week at the University of Minnesota, the school's Cente...

Star Trek Pancakes

The food synthesizer is working perfectly today! That, or pancake artist Nathan Shields of Saipancakes has been busy. His Sulu and Checkov pancakes are especially good work.Link -via That's Nerdalicious!Star Trek, pancak...

Alien Salad By Till Nowak

Xenomorphs don't look so scary when they're made out of vegetables, and that shiny eggplant head looks ripe and ready to devour! But what does this extraterrestrial salad being plan to do with that slab of meat in i...

Pig Out

[] (vimeo link)Here's a silly little song that fits in the Suicide Food trope we presented years ago. Pig Out was a student project by Deborah Tudtud for the Classical Animation program at the V...

Fireproof Jackets For Dogs

Dogs often find themselves in dangerous situations, so it's important to protect them however we can.Here's a new product that helps protect pooches from getting hurt in a fire- it's called the Ishiatama-kun Wanko firepr...

Hobbit Venn Diagram

Luckily for us Peter Jackson paired all of this down for the three part film adaptation...hobbits, fantasy literature, infographics...

Hobbit White Cake

Photo: Meemawof10 Oh the weather outside is frightful, but this hobbit cake looks so delightful. Mmm, Bag End looks delicious. Created by Cake Central user Meemawof10, you can see there is a lit...

Naked Full Moon Grape Harvest

Vintner Mike Hayes of Queensland, Australia, is planning to recreate an ancient ritual to improve his wine. That means picking the grapes under a full moon sans clothing.Mr Hayes, 48, from Symphony Hill Wines on the Gran...

Crochet Dwarf Hat and Beard

Photo: SadDaysCrochet Deviantartist SadDaysCrochet has created this nerdily awesome dwarven crochet hat-beard. I just want to wear it around all day, lounging in my long underwear and pajama pants...

Half Dollar Mighty Wallet

Half Dollar Mighty Wallet Are you in need of a new wallet, but the holidays have you feeling strapped for cash? You need the Half Dollar Mighty Wallet from the NeatoShop. This fantastic Tyvek wallet is made to look...

UK Christmas Sandwich Review

UK Holiday fans rejoice! Finally someone (The Poke) has come along to review Christmas sandwiches from your favorite shoppes (notice the Anglo-friendly spelling). Today's platter: eats, England, food cri...

Detailed, Scratch-Made Model of the Jupiter 2 from Lost in Space

John Stewart makes detailed scale replicas of famous fictional settings including the Bates Motel, the home of the Munsters and the home of the Addams family. My favorite is his cutaway model of the Jupiter 2, t...

Smartphone Analyzer Alerts User To Allergens

Sitting down to eat a meal you didn't prepare yourself can be risky when you have a food allergy, so how are you supposed to know if it's safe to eat?UCLA's Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science may hav...

The Chemistry of Snowflakes

[] (YouTube link)The shape of a snowflake is due to the changing condition of the air through which it falls. Who knew? We have the lowdown from the American Chemical Society. Linkchemistry, sn...

All 7 Horcruxes On One Necklace

Sure, putting all the horcruxes on one necklace makes for an impressive piece of jewelry, but it sure doesn't make much sense if you're trying to keep yourself immortal -after all, then your arch nemesis just has to find...

Nintendo-Style Mouse

By combining a Nintendo controller and a Logitech mouse, Instructables member champx made a retro-cool computer mouse. It's one of a few that he's made with different configurations. The two top mounted buttons replace t...

Frost Flowers: Nature’s Exquisite Ice Extrusion

The post Arctic Ice Flowers showed us one of the strange things weather conditions can do to water. Here's another: frost flowers.A frost flower is created on autumn or early winter mornings when ice in extremely thin la...

The Killers Music Video Directed By Tim Burton

(YouTube Link)Tim Burton is such a visionary director that he can even make a music video look like a mini epic, and even if you don't like the music of The Killers you should turn off the sound and watch thi...

RIP Daniel Inouye

Senator Daniel Inouye became a U.S. Representative on the day that Hawaii became a state, on August 21, 1959. He was elected Senator in 1962, and became the longest-serving member of the Senate. But he was already quite...

Face of Ancient Human Known as "The Hobbit" Revealed

Australian researchers have completed facial reconstruction on Homo Floresiensis, the 18,000-year-old skeletal remains of a human female thirty years of age, approximately 66 to 77 pounds and only three feet in height. T...

Doctor Who On Fire Jigsaw Puzzle

Doctor Who On Fire Jigsaw PuzzleAttention Doctor Who fans! Are you looking for a fun way to pass the time and celebrate your love of all things Doctor Who? You need the Doctor Who On Fire Puzzle from the NeatoShop. This...

The Banana Car

Redditor tkw97 spotted this engineering marvel in downtown Raleigh. What is it? It's the Big Banana Car! Steve Braithwaite built this delicious custom car which, sadly, cannot be split in half and filled with ice cream....

Cuban Spider

[] (YouTube link)This spider has the rumba down! How can any lady spider resist such sexy moves? -via Arbroathspider, spider dance, rumba...

Common Office Techie Stereotypes

Anybody who's worked in an office has had to deal with at least one of the tech personalities on the list, so we'll leave it up to you to decide- are these techie stereotypes true or mere generalizations?Link  --via...

Evil Dead: The Wedding Cake

There are tons of Evil Dead and Army of Darkness references in this amazing wedding cake, but let's just hope the inside doesn't resemble anything from the movies -particularly the monster in the fruit cellar.Link Via Wh...

A Charlie Brown Christmas

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website.  Possibly no TV special in the history of the medium went up against so much opp...


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