Archive for July 30th, 2011

This Sure Sums Up Zelda

Lissa Treiman watched a game of Zelda being played and learned one thing about the game: "There's a lot of grass that keeps growing back, and sometimes it has money in it."...

How the Rotating Corridor Scene of Inception Was Filmed

Remember the zero gravity fight / rotating corridor scene in the movie Inception? How did they film it? Director Christopher Nolan explains (hint: they actually built a real...

Cutting Edge Fashion by Iris Van Herpen

Iris Van Herpen, a cutting edge fashion designer, takes cutting edge very literally with this fantastic (or shall we say sharp?) dress that seems to have come straight from the...

Font for Dyslexia

Watching my kids learning how to read made me truly appreciate how difficult it can be to distinguish letters of the Roman alphabet. If you think about it, a lot of the letters are tru...

Virtual Horse in Second Life, Real Lawsuit in Real Life

I learned three things about Second Life today. First is that apparently people still play it (is "play" the right word here, Second Lifers?). Second, you can breed virtual...

A Real Society of Super Sleuths Who Solve Unsolved Crimes

In September 1990, retired detectives and other criminal investigation professionals came together to have lunch and talk about unsolved crimes. Now the Vidocq Society, comprised of some of the best investigators in the...


Canouflage - $4.95 Are you embarrassed by your beverage?  Camouflage it with the  Canouflage from the NeatoShop.  This great set of 4 reusable vinyl can wraps will keep your true beverage of choice safely hidden. Be...

How To Cook Little Blue Men

(Video Link) In honor of the newly released Smurfs movie, which I helped convert to 3d along with many other fine people at Legend 3d, I would like to share with you this informational video on ways to serve Smurf...

Epic Metal Rendition Of Batman Theme

(Video Link) The Kings of Geek Metal, Powerglove, are back with another Batman related redux. This time around, they're tackling the theme song to the animated series, and rocking it harder than it's ever been roc...

7 Impressive Castles Located on Cliffs

Castles on cliffs are the stuff of fairytales. And sure, it was a security measure, building the kingdom's stronghold in the least accessible location, but that doesn't make these seven beautiful castles located on c...

Roger Hayhurst: Knight Warrior

Nineteen-year-old Roger Hayhurst is the not-so-secret identity of Salford, Greater Manchester's Knight Warrior--a gentle-looking guy who peacefully intervenes in drunken pub brawls and street fights. In his blue and blac...

Cat Beard

I see all your smug facial hair photos and raise you this: Cat Beard. Top that! Via I Have Seen The Whole of The Internet Cat, beard...

Social Media Propaganda Posters by Aaron Wood

Aaron Wood created three propaganda posters featuring social media giants Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Excuse me while I head on over to Facebook to help out my friends' farms (I he...

Architects Design Barbie Dream House

You may not be able to get (the impossibly proportioned) Barbie figure, but you can one day live in the house of little b.... londe that has everything. The American Institute...

Walk Like a Doctor

So by now you've probably heard about Comic Con, n'est pas?  Well, it ain't all about costumes and A-List celebrities and nerds, you know -- it's about sci-fi graffiti in a place where *everybody* will get it. These i...

GDT Nature Photograph Winners

[caption id="attachment_50301" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Photo Credit: Bence Máté"][/caption] The German Society of Nature Photographers -- the trippingly named Gesellschaft Deutscher Tierfotografen...

Evol's Urban City

Ever had a fantasy to be like Godzilla?  Now you can play them out in an unusual installation by German street artist EVOL. This installation is a small city constructed at the average person's height for an exp...

Great White Shark 3D Anatomy Model

Great White Shark 3D Anatomy Model - $24.95 Are you crazy about sharks?  You need the Great White Shark 3D Anatomy Model from the NeatoShop! This amazingly detailed 3D puzzle of the great white shark is made of 20 fa...

Princess Leia Costume Made of Duct Tape

First off, it's awesome to have a Princess Leia costume. You know, with the buns and all. But how cool is it to have a Princess Leia costume made of duct tape? Yeah, that's what this is! Lindsay Boo B...

The 20 Greatest Sharks in Pop Culture History

Shark Week starts this Sunday! Who's your favorite pop culture shark? I have several, and they're all here in a list of the greatest sharks from movies, TV, and even viral news. I bet you'll see some you'd forgotten abou...

Meowtron, Defender of the Universe

From days of long ago -- from uncharted regions of the universe -- comes a legend: the legend of Meowtron, defender of the universe. A mighty catbot, loved by good, feared by evil. With this print, Mark James Yama...

This Week at Neatorama

This past week, Neatorama focused on some big events in our feature articles. Comic-Con in San Diego had the whole internet abuzz! Sites from all over sent us links, but we had our own reporter covering the even...

The Most Awkward 404 Error Page in the World

Steve Lambert, an artist, set out to create the most awkward 404 error page. That's what's generated when a server cannot find a requested webpage. He's definitely accomplished that goal. At the link, you can view a...

Word Record Connect-the-Dots

(vimeo link) Looking to break the world's record for most complex dot-to-dot drawing, Thomas Pavitte created a poster-sized image of the Mona Lisa with 6,239 dots!  It took him over nine hours to connect all the do...

Golden Textile Made From Spiders Silk

There's an amazing collaboration between man and insect on display at the Art Institute of Chicago, a cloth woven purely from the silk of over a million Golden Orb spiders. This magnificent textile, naturally golden...

Beautiful Clockwork Puppets From Japan

These mechanical marvels are examples of Karakuri, centuries old puppets from Japan that can perform simple tasks powered only by clockwork mechanisms. Their lifelike movements and beautiful look make them breathtaki...

Agatha Christie And The Endless Summer

Believe it or not, the First Lady of mystery and the Big Kahuna had something in common-they were both innovators in the sport of surfing! Agatha Christie, as it turns out, was one of the first Britons to stand up on...

FLYPmode-The First Crowdsourced Military Vehicle

Behold, the first military vehicle created via crowdsourced design! Called the FLYPmode, it was developed in part by an ex-marine, who knows what advancements need to be made to help save lives on the modern battlefi...

Fight Nazi Dinosaurs For Free, All Weekend Long

Dino D-Day wants to show you what the hype is all about by letting you play for free until July 31st on Steam. The indie game has received lots of buzz over the last few months, not only because of its humorous subje...

The First 3D Printed Aircraft

3d printing is such a new process that we are still discovering all the ways in which we can use it to enhance our lives. Well, the wait for the next big thing to print is over, because engineers from the UK have use...


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