Need help deciding who to vote for?

ABC News has a neat interactive quiz, designed to help you better understand where you actually stand on election issues. They present you with two quotes on a given topic, and you decide which you agree with more. At the end of the quiz, you can see who said what, and who (Obama or McCain) you actually agree with the most.

Check out the Match-o-Matic here.

This quiz bugs me a little - some of the quotes are more rhetoric than policy, so it's not the best meter to judge by - but I think it's interesting to see where you line up, be it economy, healthcare, etc.
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Neat quiz - and kind of funny, with the little cartoons of the candidates - but I agree 100% with Kitty. If we based our opinions entirely off of the candidates' rhetoric, we would have seen a fair and respectful campaign.
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Obama..but some of the policy rhetoric is also the same for both sides. Like the emissions question..they both wanted 1990 emissions by 2050..they just said it differently.
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Wow. I agreed with Obama for every single one except for abortion.

Although.. They were basically saying the same thing for every one, but were just worded slightly differently.
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OBAMA!! Next question: Are you happy with the way the country has been in the last 8 years? Yes, vote for McCain. No, vote for Obama. Simple, short and sweet.
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man...a lot of snippy readers on here. I'm pretty sure on one is going to base their vote entirely on this quiz.

Lighten up people, can't we at least have a little fun during such a stressful election season?
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wow... Mccain by 1, but probably only because there were an odd number of questions...
Reinforces what I already knew, that I was having trouble deciding who I liked more.
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McCain by a landslide as God would want it too!

ABC News is one of the Obama worshiper networks and that is why some were kinda tricky. I would love to see more issues than what their censors came up with.
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Mine came out to 85% McCain 15% Obama. Question 1 and 10 went to Obama. I agreed with both answers on those questions. I completely disagreed with both answers about Global Warming since it is a hoax.

Obama wont win anyways. He has only shouted two words and continues to shout those words and yet his running mate is just as bad as he is. Nothing will change. We will only be taxed more and forced to loose a war which shouldn't be lost. Why give a victory to an enemy which will never stop even if we leave they will come and find us and fight this war on our land. You cannot negotiate with people who only believe one thing and are willing to kill to make you believe and think the way they want you to. They believe they are superior and no one will be able to change that. Only killing them all will stop this war but too many Americans thinks bombing the hell out of Iran and Saudi Arabia is a bad idea.

I still cannot believe how people are so memorized at Hope and Change without any true explanation that he will do just that. He wont. He just wants to win. Or is it that he is semi Black? I am not racist. I just cannot believe what he says for true when everything else points in the other direction.
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When you randomly mention a person's minority status, follow it up with an 'and I'm no racist' and finish with nothing that has to do with their race...

You're racist.

Also, you're insane.
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It think its all predecided like Morkens comment above, look how many control freaks you know in your own personal life. Do you really think it's all up in the air?
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I think I speak for the rest of the world when I say I'm scared McCain will win. Comments like the one above from Josh trouble me deeply.. I can't believe that people actually think that way... So ignorant.
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Obama scares me, he was raised by and atheist and fathered by an african Muslim. There's no way he could relate to the average american, he needs to globetrott with some liberal save-the-world humanitarians. I thought Bill Clinton was bad running off to rescue the savages in africa, imagine how bad it will be with Obama in office. Move over African Union, make way for the Black House to keep the peace. The only thing we should send to africa are missionaries to convert the savages.

McCain isn't a man of God as much as I would like him to be but his Sarah Palin shows he will look out for solid Christian values and support intelligent design in school, as well as the posting of the ten commandments in our federal buildings. We are a Christian nation and the atheists and Muslims will just have to deal with it. I pray every day that the white house remains Christian the way it was supposed to be.
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@Peeves, samantha
What minority status would that be? There is no such thing. It is in all the idiots heads that there is a such thing. If it was a real person they would not see that. I never do. I do not care about any characteristic of a person unless it will do harm to others. It just so happens the extreme Islamic want to kill all the non believers and illegal Mexicans and Cubans are hurting the economy. I didnt choose what race or religion they were. They just so happen to be that.

If you think my views of the middle east are extreme then my views of how the borders should be controlled is just as extreme. I believe the borders should be secured by a 20' deep and 20' high electrofied fence with heat sensing turrets placed at a distance to where accuracy will not be an issue and shoot every idiot trying to cross the border (There side and ours). If one happens to be killed leave the body there to rot to deter anyone else to try and cross. After awhile they will get the picture and stop trying to cross. Mexico is helping them cross and we do nothing to stop it. We have millions of people illegally here doing nothing but hurting our economy.

I say gather them all up and have them build that wall for us at minimum wage with taxes taken out and after they are finished deport them. Helps our economy, secures our borders and gets rid of all of them. If they truly want to be here they will come back and become a part of the country legally.

I am not the one who came up with this idea. There is someone else I know who came up with this plan and I happen to completely agree with him. I find it to be a perfect solution and would fix a ever growing problem.

Our government was not created to control us. It was created to protect us by fighting wars and defending us. How is providing a broken health care system (which Obama wants) and taking away all of our rights (as they are doing now)going to help us? It is not.

One thing that sets me apart from most Republicans is that I am a Atheist. I stopped believe a long time ago. People can believe what they want as this is a free country. This is so long as they do not start going out preaching to people trying to force them to believe (Just like extreme islam except without all the killing).
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I'm terrified that McCain will win. I'm really screwed then. I can't stand pro-life people who feel they need to force their views on everyone else. Don't support abortion? Then don't have one! But try to make that decision for me. It's my body, it's my choice. And if McCain gets in to office, abortions and birth control will be impossible to get. And if that's the case, I'm seeking permanent sterilization. They won't force me to have a child. Personally I think that if you're a woman, you need to be pro-choice. You don't know what could happen to you. What if you're raped? Leave your options open. Or, at the very least, leave them open for other women. Obama definitely has my vote.
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PLEASE tell me Saint4God is not serious?

how can you in one paragraph stereotype a group of people as savages and then in the next claim to spout Christan values. Go back to sunday school and learn what Christan values are really about instead of this bastardized fundamentalist crap that preaches exclusion, ignorance, and bigotry. If you had paid attention in history class you'd know that this country was founded by people looking for a place free of religious persecution, where people are free to practice any religion and where religion is separated from government. In fact they thought so strongly of it, it was the first thing they spoke about in the Bill of Rights (ie 1st Amendment).

Name one nonsecular government that has succeeded? Can 't can you! What do you think the reason for that would be? Can you use your brain or do you have to ask your pastor for a response?

Finally, anyone who claims that intelligent design should be taught is not only a fool but a dangerous fool.
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Saint4God: Just when I think I'm a Christian (or at least trying to be) somebody like you comes along and turns me into an Agnostic. Savages - I haven't heard that word in decades! Are you so superior that you feel it's okay to use that term? So much for GOD IS LOVE.
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Michael Franti said it best: "You say you're a Christian cause God made you. You say you're a Muslim cause God made you. You say you're a Hindu and the next man a Jew. Then we all kill each other cause God told us to." Religion has no place in government.
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I think both of their campaigns have been disgusting so far although I'm definitely not voting McCain. His VP choice is insulting to the American people. It was cheap pandering and sadly enough it seems to be working at the moment.
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"Everyone who hates America loves Obama."

You need to ask why people hate America.

And you have to understand that a great many people hate the Cheney/Bush administration - people in other parts of the world have less media bias to contend with on this issue, so they are given a more accurate view.

So it ends up looking like people hate America, but really, many just detest the current government.
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Love how this has deteriorated into a pissing contest between the two sides. Gotta love politics. (And I grew up in DC...*shudder*.)

Has anyone here thought that they had such similarly worded answers on purpose? I think the people who made this quiz made quite a statement.

Obama supporter all the way, BTW. Got one question towards McCain, but that's because I like a step by step methodology when describing anything with the environment. Obama sounded too vague in that instance. Oh, and religion has no place in a political discussion (says the Buddhist).

Now I'll just go sit in the corner and watch the bickering.
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All of our founding fathers were Christians. If Barack Hussein Obama wins it will be the first time that a president has not been a Christian. I don't trust his value system, but I trust Palin's. Hopefully she keeps McCain on the right path. I don't want the US stationed in Kenya to protect Obama's family. Somalia was too much, if we are going to invade a country let's make sure it has something we want like oil, Bush was right on that.
BTW I think history will judge Bush as one of the top 10 presidents, yes I said it. Make fun of the man if you want but he is a solid Christian with good old fashioned middle american values and has the courage to go against the crowd.
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Wow, the conservative right sure do have a dedicated league of foot soldiers to spread their insane, retarded rhetoric based on untruths and idiocy!

I pray to god that we are deserving of a Prsesident as devoted to peace, hope and lifting America up out of the shithole that Republicans have thrust it into as Obama! McCain just means four more years of Bush insanity but worse because Sarah Palin is Musolini with Tits.

Oabam / Biden '08!!
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I usually stay out of the mudslinging, but i have to point this out . . .

Barack is not, and has never been a muslim. He is a Christian. It really doesn't matter what religious view he has, but so many people are stuck on this point. Fox news alluded that he was Muslim several times, and apparently, this is where it's coming from.

If you watch Fox news ~ try (just once) looking outside that box for information. Fox news is biased and completely untrustworty for factual information.

I personally think hope is the right word ~ so many of us out here are hoping for a change. Hope is the only thing we have left to hang on to.
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Typical of a mainstream media application... only featuring 2 candidates, using sound bytes instead of actual issues, avoiding concrete issues, aiming to entertain more than inform.

Try this one instead (from Minnesota Public Radio... MN residents can even use it for the Senate race).

It'll still probably give you McCain or Obama, since the other candidates have a few questions for which they provided no response, but it does give you the option to weight the importance of each issue.
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If you watch CNN or read the New York Times ... try, just once, looking outside the box. The mainstream media are in the tank for Obama and won't give you vital information.

Do you know about Obama's links with terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn? Have you been informed about the racist doctrines of Jeremiah Wright's church which Obama attended for 20 years? Are you aware of the bribes Obama received from convicted slumlord Tony Rezko?

Try some Google on those names and see what you find. Obama is not your friend; he is a disaster in the making.
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Can't vote, I'm an Aussie Canuck, just throwing my two cents in for those tabulating. I accidentally picked McCain quotes twice, it was Obama (almost) all the way! Which is exactly how I would vote if I could.
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Few of the quotes spoke to the actual issues enough for this "tool" to be useful. The quotes are just the rhetoric that all politicians say to get elected. They make big promises that they know they cannot make good on and then blame their opponents in Congress for their lack of progress. Both sides do it.
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The biggest issues of our generation will be shaped by this president with the supreme court nominees. Our judges hopfully will push back against their liberal predecessors who intervened in LOCAL school districts in the 60s, and back neighborhood schooling, no bussing, and teaching BOTH sides of the evolution controversy in science class instead. Sarah Palin is a good Christian woman and she will push McCain in the right direction, I have faith. Say no to the atheist/Muslim, and say YES to traditional values that made our country great!

Palin MCCain 08!!
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Atheist/Muslim ? I can see how they are the same thing there. (sarcasm) LOL

(personally, I say 'Say no to religion influencing politics at all', since this country, you know, isn't supposed to be a theocracy. that INCLUDES athism, there should be no laws that enforce behavior indicitive of a lack of religion, either)
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Until the government starts actually working for the people of this country rather than doing what is in their best interest, nothing is going to change.
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It'd be crazy if ABCnews included quotes from third party candidates. People might throw a fit when they agreed with the third party most of the time.
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Haha! I chose Obama. Go figure. I didn't agree with either of the offered quotes when it came to some of the Hot Topics.

saintforGod is obviously trolling big-time. Reductio ad absurdum.
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Personally I think has a better interface. I really like their checkboxes and the clean layout which really helped me in my vote.

Not to mention no creepy graphics!
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