Loyal Dog Finds Master in Iraq

Major Brian Dennis adopted an abused mixed-breed dog in Anbar Province, Iraq. He named the dog Nubs because his ears had been cut off. Dennis nursed Nubs back to health over four months, but then he was ordered to move his squadron 70 miles away. Two days later, Nubs rejoined Dennis! The dog had tracked him down despite 18 degree weather and rough terrain. But the major received orders to get rid of the dog within four days or he would be shot. Dennis started an email campaign to save Nubs that raised three thousand dollars within a couple of days, and battled bureaucratic difficulties to get the dog out of Iraq across the Jordanian border. Nubs will be flown to Camp Pendleton in San Diego, where a fighter pilot will care for him until Dennis can come home. Link -via Arbroath

Nice find Missy.

Abused animals normally do what that pup did. The out right bonding and unconditional trust and love these animals pour out is what having a companion of any species is about.

I lost a cat to the dumpster trucks, thought i would never see him again. The dump was a good 35 miles from where he got caught in a dumpster.

3 weeks later he was back, dirty, broken ribs. After a couple weeks of TLC he was back to normal. Except for his large intestine that was pushed beyond his diaphram and was between his lungs and looped over his heart.
We think it's from the crush of the truck when they need more space. He lived another 12 years with no complaints.

Animals are amazing. People, are Meh at best most times.
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> But the major received orders to
> get rid of the dog within four days
> or he would be shot.

That's what I like in military justice: You get shot for

a) desertion
b) nursing a dog
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The logic here is amazing.

Use fruit to create some art/advertising project = bad (wasted food - think of the starving kids in Africa).

Waste time/money/military resources to save a dog (one of a zillion - don't worry they'll make more) = good (awwwwww, look at the wittle doggy).
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It's articles like these that make me want to get a dog. I have two cats. You get love from cats, but its different than the love you get from dogs. Dogs are very special. Not to say that cats aren't special ... I'm gonna start rambling .. I'll stop myself.
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I'm with vonskippy, here. If the air force and its servicemen have so much free time and extra cash lying around that they can afford to grab some random mutt and smuggle it out of someone else's country, they're doing it wrong. Use that $3000 you had no other purpose for and do something constructive, like... anything other than bringing yet another domestic animal to America.
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I agree with Vonskippy also. How many bananas could be bought with $3000 to feed starving kids in third-world countries (especially if it's done through organizations like World Vision where your contribution is multiplied many times)? And how many pets are euthanized each year in shelters because there are simply too many of them that need a loving home? I'm an artist and an animal lover- yet I see the banana wall art and the shipping of this dog to the U.S. as a complete waste of resources that could be put to better use. Get real...don't be a hypocrite.
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No matter what you may think of the war, complaining about what our servicemen in Iraq do with their own time and money is selfish and offensive.
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Glad Desdemonus cleared *that* one up. Silly Nitpicker, how dare you read the sentence literally.

I remember seeing two big stray dogs fighting in Italy a few years ago. They were drawing blood. Nothing wrong with euthanizing an animal when it's necessary and possibly the best thing for the animal, considering the circumstances. Plenty of strays being killed in the USA, as we speak.
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"Dennis started an email campaign to save Nubs that raised three thousand dollars within a couple of days, and battled bureaucratic difficulties to get the dog out of Iraq across the Jordanian border."
It's not his own money, he had a lot of help from other people. The soldier's decision to serve in the war is his own self-less choice to help 'protect us from terrorists and ensure peace by participating in a war (ie, fighting for peace = f'ing for virginity)- but what that serviceman did was rather selfish and offensive, in my view.
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I find it incredibly sad and depressing that he could raise 3k in a few days for..... a dog. In another country. That he isn't supposed to have. That he can't take care of until he's released from duty. That is just one of countless abused animals available for adoption. AND on top of it all, he battled bureaucrats to get this done.

How many people would go through this much trouble to help out a charity?
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bean and Na,

Your logic is sooo wobbly. You’re both complaining that too many stray dogs are euthanized each year, but this guy adopted a stray -- and you don't create a stray by adopting one. I suppose your argument holds some water if you’re concerned only about the wellbeing of strays in the US, at the expense of all others, but that would seem a little odd. Dogs are dogs.

Too many Americans already have trouble seeing Iraqis as people – maybe you’re having trouble seeing their dogs as dogs now, too?
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Na, he did a good thing. Maybe you should spend more energy criticizing people who do bad things, instead of criticizing people who do good things that you don't think are good enough.
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Yea, he adopted a stray- good on him, I'm really glad he did and had the heart to. But why adopt a stray in another country for $3000 and bring it to ours, where many, many more strays readily available for adoption at around $100?

I see dogs as dogs and Iraqis as people, maybe you're having trouble distinguishing stupid whims from practicality?
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Yea, saving a stray dog is a good thing. But spending a precious $3,000, using resources to ship that dog to the U.S., using the valuable bureaucrat's time, and using the good natures of other people to help him adopt a dog is just SORT OF makes this a bad thing. Ya' know? I see this as something done with good intentions but through a really bad process.
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Do you really not know the answer to your own question? He built a bond with the dog over the course of months, a bond that turned the dog from a feral animal to one that was so loyal that it would walk 70 miles to find him. Would you really say to this guy, “Listen, I’ve just crunched the numbers, and I think you should abandon this dog on the street and get one back in the US instead. This one might be killed, but it really would be more cost-effective my way.”

Maybe you would say that, I don’t know; maybe lots of people would. But I certainly prefer a world that has a little more tolerance for “impractical” devotion and compassion – particularly in the face of war.
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Na, you're an artist? And you object to the banana wall art because the money could have been spent to feed kids? But the money spent on your own art couldn't be used to feed kids? It's a different kind of money, I guess?
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@ zoomzoom

In the face of war? Do you know how many people starve, die, or are suppressed? The violence they witness, the grief they experience? There are so many landmines that need to be taken out, schools rebuilt, health care needs, and their lives restored? These people, victims of war, really need our help. True, this guy might have built an amazing bond with the dog. So you care more about the alievation of a dog's sufferings in the face of war than the sufferings of war-torn people?
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I meant the bureaucrat's time is valuable, not the bureaucrat themselves. And I yes I'm an artist; I'm in art school so I can get a job and earn money, and I actively donate to World Vision.
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Tell me: did you buy a pair of shoes in the past three years? How DARE you spend your money on shoes when there are people suffering in Iraq! Do you care more about new shoes than the sufferings of a war-torn people?
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Have you adopted a dog in the past three years? You haven't? How DARE you let some poor stray waste their life away in an animal shelter.. you heartless person, you.
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Actually, I have, an ugly little mutt named Pinch.

But you're missing the point: you really don't have the right to criticize anyone for doing good where they find the need for good. Just be glad for the good. Look around a little and I'm sure you'll find other things to be "incredibly sad and depressed" about.
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I think you're missing the point as well. I do, in fact, have the right to criticize anyone I wish- courtesy of the first amendment :)

So, what do you think of the banana wall?
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My art is more valuable than food for starving children? Where are you getting this from? My art is the way I pay my bills and donate to World Vision.
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Na, you say:

"In the face of war? Do you know how many people starve, die, or are suppressed? The violence they witness, the grief they experience? There are so many landmines that need to be taken out, schools rebuilt, health care needs, and their lives restored?"

True, true. Well, don't just talk about those landmines that need to be taken out, get out on your hands and knees and do something about it!
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I am helping =] Maybe not landmines specifically, but there are so many causes that need help- I only have so much money/help/time to give. I helped donate to the drilling of a new water well in Africa through World Vision's Christmas catalogue this year.
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Oof, sigh. Do I really have to explain your comments to you? In your post #14, you asked how many kids could be fed with the $3,000 -- and said that the cost of the banana wall art could be put to better use as well. So, I’m asking you, since you’re an artist, why shouldn’t the money spent on your art be used to feed starving kids, too? Why should anyone buy your art, only to have you donate some portion of it, when they could donate the whole amount themselves?

My point is this: yes, people spend money on things that are less important than starving kids. And yes, we should spend MORE money on things like that. But how miserable would the world be if we only valued the necessities? If we deferred all art and creativity until the eradication of suffering, those things simply wouldn’t exist – nor could they be used as tools to build awareness. You, as an artist, should understand that better than any of us.
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I take that back, of course: you do have the right. I just think you should give a little more consideration to how you exercise it.

And I don't know what "a banana wall" is, and you'll have to find someone else to take that up with.
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If the artist that made the banana wall donated money to feed starving kids, cool. As for your questions, #1: please read my comment #35, and #2: because they want to? I don't convince people to buy my art, it's their decision.

I'm not quite if you understand me though, because I totally agree with your second paragraph. Art and creativity is indeed a vital part of our world.
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I answered the 'valuable bureaucrat' question in #25, btw.
I mentioned the banana wall article because it's basically the same situation as this one is: http://www.neatorama.com/2008/02/10/wall-of-bananas/
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Why is there so much hate? These aren't government resources he's using. He raised the money himself, started a charity, and went through all the legal work involved to get the job done. He should do what he wants with the $3000, and if that's saving the life of a close friend (even if it is a dog) then what is wrong with that? I mean, if my fiancee was in danger I wouldn't hesitate to spend the money to fly her out. I would get my friends and relatives to help if I didn't have enough. What I do with my hard-earned funds is MY choice. You can criticize Brian Dennis for helping out a being he cares about, but if you're criticizing him for not doing enough for everyone else using his own money -- well then, you wouldn't pay your mother's hospital bills, would you?

There are some things that can't be so easily replaced. You can't place a value on good relationships.
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Yes I was criticizing Dennis for spending so much on a dog because personally, I am baffled by it, as for criticizing him for not doing enough for everyone else using his own money- I intended to argue that in relation to Neatorama's "Banana Wall" article 5 days ago and how the responses to the articles were so different when they were practically the same thing IMO.
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I don't think there's anything wrong with either the banana wall or the dog. If this man had shot the dog instead of using the money he raised to save it, would the donors of that money have instead gone out and used the money to adopt dogs? No, they wouldn't. More than likely they would have instead used it towards a TV or a car or toys for their kids. And would the nice banana sellers given those 3000 bananas (or whatever) to starving African children if they hadn't sold them for art? No. They would have sold them to people who *could* afford them, and if they had any left over after they were fresh, they would have thrown them away.
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(sigh) great story! For valentine's day, my boyfriend and I rescued a 1 yr old male german shepherd mix from the Anti-Cruelty Society here in Chicago. They almost wouldn't let us take him home because he was classified as needing an experienced dog owner. I don't know what all the fuss was about, this puppy is wonderful, and after reading this story, i want to go give him a hug :o)

PS... This is my first pet ever!
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Wow. When I came back and saw this post had ballooned up to 51 comments, for some reason I wasn't expecting to see socio-economic argument. Silly me.

MelMon8-- good luck with your new doggy!
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Did suggest a banana and a dog are the same thing?

The reason this man felt the need to get this dog home is because he fell in love with it. The idea that he should just leave it behind is horrible. Some people have no heart.

Hey, it's going to cost money to move your kid from California to New York with you. It'd be more practical to leave it behind and get a new one. That's about how ridiculous some of those arguements are.

Some people seem to have no heart.
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Oh, brother.
I feel sorry for you, Na, after seeing you get blasted here by all the specious arguments.

Now, jen suggests that dogs and children are the same thing.

1: the soldier was asking other people to pay to send the dog to the USA.

2: he was also asking for all manner of rules to be waived in order to get the dog across the border.

3: the "leave your kid in California" argument is absurd. A dog is not a child. A dog's life is not equal to the life of a child. Bottom line.

No need to call people heartless just because they're being practical. This soldier isn't adopting a dying Iraqi child. Rather, he's taking food from the mouths of Iraqi chldren who would otherwise be eating dog tonight.
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One of the criticisms I find most perplexing here is that he asked for donations to help get the dog out of Iraq. Why is asking for help bad? If the people he asked didn't want to help, I imagine they didn't help. It seems like a very odd reason to criticize someone.
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c-dub, you're making a judgment on someone's values based on their opinion of this one situation.

Let's say an elderly woman loves cats. She loves them so much, she rescues strays and takes them home. She lives with 100 cats. Surely she is valuing love, generosity, and loyalty over practicality, money, and rules. The animal control officers who take her cats away to be euthanized must be very heartless.

I don't know if asking for help can be criticized, but if he couldn't afford to spend the money to ship the dog, he should have tried to find it a home in its own country. People can dispense with their money as they please - they can send it to that deposed Prince in Nigeria, if they want - but dude lacks responsibility.
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And you're NOT making a judgment on someone else's values? Can you explain the distinction you've created for yourself?

Yes, let's say an elderly woman loves cats. If she can keep them all well-fed and healthy while not bothering the neighbors, then she should keep the cats. Why not? On the other hand, if she can't care for them, or if they cause a nuisance or health hazard for her neighbors, then she should give them up, sure -- because keeping animals in poor conditions, or making trouble for one's neighbors, isn't loving, generous, or loyal. The rules don't exist for the sake of rules, they exist to support the common values of society. Overwhelmingly, those values land squarely on the side of virtues like love, generosity and loyalty (except in certain cases, I suppose, like yours).

In any case, calling this guy irresponsible takes the cake. He showed nothing BUT responsibility. Towards whom did he act irresponsibly? Certainly not towards the dog, and certainly not towards the people he asked for help (and whom offered it of their own will). He did what it took to make sure an animal in his care thrived. Take a look around, ted. Everyone should be so irresponsible.
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Why should he have left the dog in Iraq if he couldn't come up with the money on his own? What difference does it make if he had to ask for help? If there were other people that wanted to see the dog in a better home (which there apparently where) why shouldn't they have the opportunity to pitch in?

It's called "charity." There's something wrong with charity? I know you don't think it's fair of me or c-dub to judge your values, but you're making it impossible not to.
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I didn't say it was unfair of c-dub or you to make a judgment of my values. I certainly don't try to stop judgmental people from doing what comes naturally to them.

My example of the 100-cats-in-the-house lady was an oversimplification of a situation, just like the incredibly simple comparisons being drawn previously to attack Na's point of view.

c-dub, surely he knew that he would be leaving the country at some point. Why couldn't he have found a home for that dog in its own country? Ostensibly, that is what the US forces are there to do: to make life better in Iraq. How is it irresponsible? I suppose in the same way when people do things without thinking of the consequences.

Read my previous post, zoomzoom, I didn't say they didn't have the right to dispense with their money as they pleased. Thanks anyways, but I'm not going to engage in a discussion where people simply attack me while ignoring my previous comments.
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Wow, ted. You thought my arguments were specious? Sending the dog home, where he knew how it would be cared for, was far more responsible than leaving it behind in an uncertain situation. Invoking his role in the military is nonsense, because he did this as a private citizen, using private resources. And you explain your claim that he was irresponsible with the empty, circular statement that he acted "in the same way when people do things without thinking of the consequences." So, I guess I'll just keep asking the same sorts of questions: what did he DO that was irresponsible? What consequences did he ignore? Sheesh, ted. You don't like being attacked when you think evidence is ignored, but you've done the same thing to Major Dennis.
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@ the offending parties

Are you kidding? There's no "arguments" or "logic" to be used here on either side. The good Major found something to love, and acted like he loved it, full of effort, passion, and time. End of story.

Are you really acting like it's better to help people you don't know than help someone you love? I'm sorry, if a relative/friend of mine is in trouble, they're getting all my money, and all the needy people of the world aren't getting a cent. Is animal overpopulation such a serious problem? People overpopulation is a bigger one. What other arguments do you have? Have any of you taken the time to read the actual story? Or read the actual e-mails from good old Major Dennis?

'Course not. It's too easy to find a story and spew all the bile and vitriol you have built up as some kind of sick therapy. Is this some kind of anger at the war? Or soldiers? Both those facts are irrelevant, as is the location, etc. What if this was just a person in some other random country, then it's ok, because it's not Iraq, and it's not a soldier?

What about that person who said "how dare you take up the bureaucrat's time?" Really? Bureaucrat's time isn't valuable or they wouldn't be bureaucrat's. They're there to serve, or at least that's what the job entails.

But now I'm sinking to your level, arguing when there's no argument to be made. Something good happened here. Somebody acted with love, pure and simple. Be glad.
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I know you didn’t say people don't have that right. I asked those questions so you'd tell me what's wrong with asking for, or offering, help. You think he should have left the dog if he had to ask for help to get it out, so you apparently have an aversion to one of those two things.

And finally, I don't understand this aversion you have to "judgment." We all look at people's actions and statements and assign values to them. It's how we create a moral and ethical position for ourselves in the world, and how we form opinions on right and wrong. You condemn an act of compassion, and I'll judge it every time. The fact is that we all judge (you've judged Major Dennis, after all) and we all should.
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Wow, this is the first post I have found that condemned Brian for what he did. I do feel as if i should put a few words on this post and then I am done. You can chose your opinion of the situation as we do live in America and that is your right. A right by the way that has Brian serving his second tour in Iraq, but that is beside the point.

I am part of the Bring NUBS to America crew, I donated my money voluntarily, I donate my time and money to the local humane society as well as other non profit organizations that are helping to make this world a better place. I make that choice every time I write a check or volunteer. That is my choice and you do not have the right to tell me what to do with my hard earned money. Would that $25 have gone to another cause, no. If i want to donate to a campaign I do but i do not pull from one group to give to another. I gave Brian money because it was something I wanted to do. If you are going to condemn Brian for asking for a bit of help or me for giving him help, you should take a look at all the really messed up folks in this world that have millions of dollars but don't do a thing to help the people around the world. I chose to help a man be with his dog just like I would hope that my friends would help me if I was in a hard situation with my animals.

As a dog and cat owner and general animal lover I know that when you and your animal meet it is like meeting a soul mate. You can't walk away or leave them across the world. Brian never intended on getting a dog and never intended on bringing one home. It just happened. As a side note, NUBS has a son and that dog is staying in Iraq because Brian is well aware that he can not bring all the animals to the US, but for him NUBS is different.

He is not wasting anyone's time, he has done all the leg work with the help of folks who are willing to give it to him. He asked us to help with about 2k worth of the 5k it costs to get NUBS home. We raised more and he is now asking us to make sure that no more money comes his way as NUBS is his dog and he accepts the financial responsibility.

He has a trainer lined up and a load of folks who are helping to make sure NUBS transition to US life is smooth. He did not want the publicity and honestly wishes that nothing was every said and that none of you new his name. It just happened because this is a heart warming story of animal/ human love in a place that sucks for everyone right now. There is not a single living being in Iraq that is having a good time, it is a bad place and something good came from it, that is all this story is about.

If you really want to condemn Brian that is your choice, we do live in American, but get your facts straight as he did not waste time/ money or military resource. The money and time he has used to get NUBS home was his or was donated by folks who wanted to help.
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I have read all of your posts multiple times and do not understand how (other than the ethical implications of spending time, money and energy doing one thing when you could spend it doing another, arguably more ethical, thing) you believe Brian's actions were irresponsible. We all make moral judgements every time we spend our time or resources on something to benefit ourselves rather than others.

Not to do a disservice to Brian's sense of generosity, but while he was, indeed, helping this animal have a better life- ultimately he was doing something for himself, namely saving a pet he loved from being killed.

Considering the sorts of terrible sacrifices and situations soldiers must endure in the course of serving their country, it seems rather mean spirited to begrudge one of these men the opportunity to save a beloved companion animal (which may in turn benefit his mental health both while he finishes his tour in Iraq, and when he returns home- not a negligible return when you figure 3000 dollars might pay for two months of therapy stateside.)

Perhaps you should point out the irresponsibility of the soldiers who return from war and spend thousands of dollars on a new pickup truck or a nice set of golf clubs. Perhaps you should also point out the irresponsible behavior of those who donate money to animal shelters rather than to starving Iraqi children. In fact, while you're at it, you should point out how irresponsible it is for a congressman to respond to the request of an enlisted constiuent.
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The end should have read "enlisted constiuent, rather than spending their time keeping our country safe from terrorists." but I guess my fingers got tired of listening to my brain...
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Okay, this is my last bit. Pets are pets, humans are humans, the worth of one cannot be equaled to another.

"Animals are amazing. People, are Meh at best most times."
"Hey, it’s going to cost money to move your kid from California to New York with you. It’d be more practical to leave it behind and get a new one. That’s about how ridiculous some of those arguements are.
Some people seem to have no heart."

Man.. I hope to God you guys never reproduce and run our country then.
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Great heart warming story. What a wonderful man to find it in his heart to protect an innocent creature victim to mankind's evils. I'd love to meet this man and tell him that he is MY HERO. Anyone that can't understand the bond and love for an animal is cold, uncaring, and sadly void of a heart or compassion. I feel sorry for you that your mom did not teach you to expand your heart and feel for others......especially the innocent.
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Jo and Nanci:

I pity those who apparently can't read, even more so than those who lack a heart. Please take the time to read over my comments then tell me again how I don't have a heart for animals and innocent people. For your information, I have had 3 turtles, a cockatiel, 4 hamsters, and 6 fish. 'Dufas' is spelled 'doofus', and how could you say an animal is any more innocent than a starving child? I suppose all the world cares about are the cute things.. save the pandas and leave the malaria-stricken children outta our sight eh?
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Alright, how about this:
"A pack of desert dogs lived at one of the Iraqi border forts the unit patrolled. A wiry German shepherd-border collie mix was the alpha dog. Maj. Brian Dennis took a liking to the animal...At first, Nubs wouldn't give the Marine the time of day. "Nubs wouldn't have anything to do with him." Marsha Cargo, the Marine's mother, told ABC News. "Brian just kept working on him and working on him."

He purposely tamed the alpha leader of a wild pack of dogs and eventually lured the dog 70 miles away from it's pack. Now that pack of wild dogs is left without a leader. I'm all for Dennis fixing him up, but the dog was fine in his environment and played a large role in his groups' social hierarchy. What are those poor dogs gonna do now?
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If you guys really want to equate the life of a dog to a humans', let me make this metaphor then:

Dennis is a soldier that meets this married Iraqi woman named Nubs while on duty in Iraq. She's lived in Iraq all her life, has a caring husband and wonderful children, and provides for her family's wellbeing. True, the country she lives in may not be the best and she's been abused, but abuse happens to people all over the world. Dennis makes his rounds every day and tries to catch her attention because he likes her. At first, Nubs didn't care about Dennis and was focused only on taking care of her beloved family, but over time she grew attracted to his attentions and his supply of good food. Over time, she began to neglect the needs of her husband and children because she would spend time chasing after Dennis, knowing he would dote on her. Then one day, Dennis had to leave. Nubs decided to go after him because to her, Dennis was the way to the good life in America. She hitchhiked 70 miles to find him and as a reward Dennis brought her over to the States so he could always have her. So what's this mean? That's right, Dennis seduced Nubs away from her family. :P
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Please, explain to me why my arguments are ridiculous. I could just as easily say your arguments are fascist and leave it at that.
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No. 73: What happened to the dogs? Presumably, a new alpha assumed control of the pack, which happens as a matter of course when an alpha dies or otherwise leaves the pack.

No. 74: I can’t even believe I have to explain this one to you. Nubs was not a woman, did not having a caring husband, and did not have wonderful children. I understand your little story is a metaphor, but to make a metaphor pertinent, you have draw parallels to reality, which you have not. You’re trying to make the point that somebody (or something) suffered because Nubs was taken away, but that was not the case. No one suffered from it: Nubs is better off, Major Dennis is better off, the people who contributed are better off.

I think you’re getting this one wrong because you don’t understand that the previous commenters compared the dog to a child to indicate the depth of emotion that some people feel towards animals – not to demonstrate how human-like dogs are.
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Na, not only are your metaphors asinine, you’re statement “she’s been abused, but abuse happens to people all over the world” is offensive. You’d disregard a woman’s – or even a dog’s – abuse because abuse happens all over the world? Are you kidding me? I’ve just read all your posts here, and there is something seriously out of whack in your psyche.
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I think everyone is being unfair to Naa, so let me see if I can rephrase his/her argument:

Say Major Dennis is a spaceman, and Nubs is a slice of delicious space-pie baked by unicorns for Pimwat, the three-headed king of the planet Xerbion 9. Spaceman Dennis loves space-pie so much that he doesn’t care that it belongs to King Pimwat, so he eats Nub anyway. The other pieces of space-pie miss Nub so much that they go sour, and when King Pimwat gets three mouthfuls of sour space-pie, he grows so angry that he destroys Earth with a ray gun that shoots giant, flaming icicles. So what’s this mean? That’s right: it means Major Dennis destroyed Earth. Nice going.
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@"the offending parties"

Oh sure, so you think by taking away this pack's leader they wouldn't be the least affected? What about the close relationships alpha dogs have with the rest of the pack, and perhaps it's beta mate? You didn't account for the emotional losses of the pack in your 'utopian' explanation. What if there were no other dogs in the pack suitable to be the next alpha and the pack died off? Sure, you say NO ONE suffered from this, but how about Nub's pack?
Being the leader of the pack is about the same thing as being in a family that they have to be responsible for and watchful over. Thus the husband/children metaphor. I made Nubs a woman because the metaphor wouldn't work with Dennis going off with a man, but my point is that you guys were equating the worth of a dog to a human.

As for the abused bit, I wasn't disregarding it- I'm simply saying that it's not exclusive to that region.

Why is it that a MAJOR in the army can be going around taming wild dogs and nursing them back to health? Aren't they supposed to be fighting the war? Don't give me that 'they need a break' crap either, they know what they signed up for and know the consequences of their choice- whether it be post-traumatic stress or suicide or whatever. He knew it was against the rules to keep a dog with him. He wasn't supposed to be taming 'Nubs'. Having Nubs detracts from his concentration on his work in Iraq, and just because he had the resources to preserve this pastime/whim/relationship of his with Nubs, he transported this dog all the way to the U.S.. Maybe he should've learned the lesson that sometimes you have to give things up, like when a little kid has to give up their dog when they move houses. Sad, but necessary- especially in war when one can't hold on to luxuries such as pets.

On another note, it's pretty sad to see you all resorting to overly mocking and insulting retorts to my comments to try and make me feel bad. What makes me feel bad is that your denouncements of me just make me pity you more.
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I think what Na is saying is that Nubs is not, in fact, a defenseless stray. He shouldn't be grouped with the thousands of other animals roaming the streets in all parts of the world and he doesn't need saving as much as pets in animal shelters who are overcrowded. Yes, Nubs is living in a war torn community but it's part of our doing and I don't think it can be helped at this point in time.

But I'm glad that Dennis found some love during his time in Iraq. I just wish he didn't have to spend so much money on transporting Nubs to the U.S.

And please, this argument is about the moral opinions of people and not the persons themselves.
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Ummm, jocelyn? You don't think it can be helped at this point in time? Did you notice that it WAS helped? And you wish he didn’t have to spend so much money on transporting Nubs to the U.S.? That’s fine, you can make that distinction when it’s your money being spent.

I don't know why you think Nubs was so different from other dogs. You think only the most deserving dogs should be rescued? Okay, then go to every shelter in the world before you rescue a dog, and find the one that is the "most in need" of rescuing. Ignore the animal at your feet, and any emotional attachment you may have with it. Let that animal suffer or die while you head out to find another. In fact, give up the dog you’ve been caring for the past five or ten years to get one from a shelter, because the shelter dog is obviously in more need.

Look, if you want to operate from a position of logic rather than one of compassion, do so. But in your rush to trample love and loyalty, don’t forget to make sure your logic holds water.
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I'm sorry, I should have made myself clear. I'm not against saving dogs, and I congratulate Dennis on finding a loving animal relationship so don't tear me apart before getting your facts straight.

Yes, I have separated Nubs from strays, emphasis on strays. Not dogs in general. Because he isn't one; he was tamed. "That can't be helped" meaning the war cannot be helped but I think I'll retract that statement because I honestly don't have enough information to be a judge of that.

But I do see where you get your arguments from, just please respect my point of view and don't think that I haven't given thought to what I say.
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Okay, Na, this is my last post on this. After this, say what you want to say, but I’m finished.

First, the easy stuff: yes, the pack might dissolve, but the individual dogs don't just flop over dead because they lose the alpha. But that's not really the point: according to your logic, no stray dog should ever be adopted, because adoption always removes a dog from its current social structure. That's nonsense. (And you did, in fact, openly dismiss the abuse: "She’s been abused, but abuse happens to people all over the world" is a clear attempt to belittle the impact of abuse.)

From there, your comments leave the road entirely. This statement, "they know the consequences of their choice – whether it be post-traumatic stress or suicide or whatever," is galling to the point of incredulity. Do you really think that anyone who joins the military forfeits their right to pursue happiness? And that they simply have to resign themselves to the possibility of PTSD and/or suicide because it was somehow in the job description? And do you honestly think that someone at war needs to give up a dog in order to learn a childhood lesson about loss? You don’t think witnessing or even causing death teaches that lesson daily? Who ARE you? You show so little understanding, and so little compassion for either humans or animals, that my mind reels. You honor bureaucracy and petty rules above loyalty and compassion – and yet YOU pity ME. Baffling.
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Again, I couldn't agree with Na more:

1. People should not be allowed personal time once they've joined the military.
2. People should not donate their own money to causes based on their personal conscience.
3. People with jobs should not have dogs.
4. Animal adoptions should ignore existing emotional bonds.
5. Rules and bureaucracy take precedence over human virtue.
6. Zoomzoom is the fascist.
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